Hike to Kloppstock spring and to the Bismarck tower
- Written by Portal Editor
- Category: Hiking Tours
- Hits: 2735
After visiting the state school in Pforta and getting to know one of it´s “master students”, Friedrich Gottlieb Kloppstock (we will report after the introduction), we also wanted to hike the circular hiking trail to the Bismarck Tower, which begins at the school and which leads to a spring named with writers name.
Backpackers - St Pauls Trail with Kate Clow
- Written by Portal Editor
- Category: Hiking Tours
- Hits: 29375
Sucullu, a small town of 5.000 people on the St Paul Trail close to Antioch in Pisidia, is having a traditional folk festival. On 17th July, traditionally-dressed villagers with their animals will walk from the mosque in Yalvaç, past the ruins at Antioch, along the aqueduct to Sucullu (about 2-3 hrs walk).
Kate Clow - Lycian Trail and Others
- Written by Portal Editor
- Category: Hiking Tours
- Hits: 40718
Kate Clow first came to Turkey in 1989 to sell computer systems. In 1992 she moved to Antalya and, out of sheer interest, began researching the ancient roads that connected the cities of Greek and Roman times.
Hike to the cave church in the Dolomite rocks at Scharzfeld
- Written by Portal Editor
- Category: Hiking Tours
- Hits: 1406
We had often passed the eye-catching dolomite rocks near Scharzfeld on our way through the Harz Mountains, and now there was finally enough time for a short hike up the rocks and on to the legendary "Unicorn Cave".