Cycle tour to the Burgaltendorf castle ruins from Essen-Horst
- Written by Portal Editor
The starting point for our cycling explorations in the Ruhr area was once again the Horster Brücke campsite, right next to what is still popularly known as the 5-Pfennigs Bridge over the Ruhr.
Today, as a floating bridge for pedestrians and cyclists, the history of the bridge alone is so interesting that a little excursion is worthwhile, especially as the current bridge connects the Essen-Horst district with the Altendorf side and thus with the Ruhr cycle path.
Floating bridge as an attraction for cyclists
At normal water levels, its height was roughly the same as the old towpath on the Altendorf side, parts of which still exist today. If you don't know the term towpath, it is a term used to describe the path directly on the banks of rivers or canals that was created so that people, draft animals or even locomotives could pull cargo ships upstream.
The process itself is called towing. The towmen and tow-horses moving along the towpaths were connected to the ships via a rope. But now back to the bridge.
The floods of the Ruhr increasingly damaged the bridge. In particular, the flood wave resulting from the demolition of the Möhne Dam on the night of May 16-17, 1943, swept away part of the bridge. Due to a lack of maintenance, the bridge was first closed to motorized vehicles and later closed completely. In 1958, the state government had the bridge demolished, although it was found to be of acceptable quality. In March 1982, construction began on the current 84-meter-long and three-meter-wide floating bridge, which has spans of 42 and 2 by 21 meters. We have used this bridge several times to cross the Ruhr on the Ruhr cycle path, but the view of the river and the hustle and bustle is also simply beautiful to look at. It is a real attraction in the region.
Off to the Burgaltendorf castle ruins
Tradition says that the approximate construction period was the second half of the 12th century.
We cross the Ruhr over the floating bridge, initially drive towards Hattingen, then turn right about 200 meters further onto Holteyer Straße, which we follow past the Raiffeisenmarkt to the town entrance.
The complex consists of an outer bailey and a main castle with well-preserved ring walls. The castle complex had an outer bailey and a core castle, both of which were formerly surrounded by a moat measuring about 90 by 130 meters and 12.50 meters wide.
The moats are now silted up or filled in, but until the 18th century they were fed by a wooden pipe from a watercourse 800 metres to the west. The building materials used were blocks and rubble from the Ruhr sandstone that occurs naturally there.
Former outer bailey - café and restaurant
The ruins of the farm building in the southern corner also house the castle well, which is more than eight meters deep.
In addition, the corner points of a former school building are marked in the modern paving of the outer bailey courtyard.
In the northwest corner there is a new building from the 1960s, which is used by a restaurant and encloses the northeast corner tower.
Inner bailey - mighty residential tower in the centre
On its southwest side, the protrusions of a square defence tower can be seen. In the middle of the inner castle area, a five-story residential tower rises, now 21.70 meters high, with sides measuring 11.5 and 13.10 meters. There are two entrances to its former barrel-vaulted cellar (now the ground floor), which in the 17th century also served as a prison for the Blankenstein district.
At its four corners, the bases of the columns that once supported the cross vault of this floor are still present. Both the northwest and southwest sides have bricked-up window openings from the Romanesque period. They were replaced by transom windows in the Gothic period, many of which are still there.
All of the intermediate ceilings of the residential tower have now disappeared. However, the remains of the eight-part cross-ribbed vault are visible on the first floor, as are the remains of chimneys on all floors - except the former dungeon.
A modern spiral staircase inside the tower leads to a viewing platform, which can be reached via 88 steps. The view of the surrounding area is worth the effort of the climb.
Guided tours can be arranged with the Burgaltendorf Local History and Castle Association.
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