
Angelika Wesner - Watching, Writing and Traveling

After some years of traveling, the author of the series SOKO Camper, cabaret artist "Renaade Stempfle" and Camper Angelika Wesner was able to turn her passion into a profession.

At the end of 2011, she released her debut novel "SOKO Camping - The Death Never goes for Holiday." 2014 her second camping thriller "SOKO Camping - textile free into heaven" appeared (so far just in German language availabl.


Starting with igloo tent & motorcycle - continuing with camper

b_450_450_16777215_00_images_kultur_literatur_Geli-4.jpgAs a freelance journalist and author, Angelika Wesner, born in 1968 in Stuttgart, a camper of loaf and soul, was never far away to the comfort levels of camping. First on the motor bike together with her husband and with the necessary equipment consisting of a tent, sleeping bag, stove and a bit of crockery, they first went out into the area to enjoy nature and freedom, simply to be happy. To this day, hardly anything has changed in principle - once you are not regarding the gain in luxury.
Understandably, the tent became larger at first, and at some point with the start of the family phase, the motorcycle had to give way to a car. When the own back began to hurt more and more because of spending the night on the hard mattress, Wesners´s bought a ten-year-old caravan with real mattresses in bed.

Secretly, Geli and Andy Wesner were already dreaming of a motor home. However, the implementation of this dream should take some time - as with so many campers of their age group. When they won the Camp Trophy in 2011 as one of ten selected teams, this dream came true at least for the following seven months. SOKO Camping was born!
The ADAC and KnausTabbert GmbH provided Wesner´s with a BoxStar Solution 4 for free and the team SOKO Camping published numerous travel experiences on the internet platform www.caravango.de. Geli Wesner's debut "SOKO Camping - Death Never goes for Holiday", which was first published in December 2011 and published in spring 2014 in its third edition, was created during these Camp Trophy trips.

In November 2014, Geli Wesner's second camping thriller "Without wearing Textile into heaven " was released.

Soko Camping - Without wearing Textile into heaven

b_450_450_16777215_00_images_kultur_literatur_Geli-3.jpgCrime at the Campsite: Spilled with the remnants of tomato sauce and canned ravioli, a naked camper tilts off the folding chair and dies. The tourists are appalled: Is a person on the site poisoning campers? No one suspects that the two undercover investigators Rainer Sommer and Jennifer Reitmann have long been camouflaged as a camping couple who watched the scenery already. Confronted with illegal nudists, the sometimes strange camper everyday life and a highly explosive relationship network, the house blessing of the detective in the small folding caravan stresses, however, quite crooked...

24 thrillers - 30 recipes 

When Santa Claus makes plans for murder in the Black Forest, Christmas trees secretly change hands and the angels in the Birnauer Basilika come to life, then in the southwest of Germany the Holy Night is approaching. While duck, goose or roast pork sizzling in the oven, big and small crooks have high season - and can be dissuaded neither by coconut macaroons, honey cake or Hutzelbrot from their nefarious plan. And anyone who drinks a mulled wine at the Christmas market in Stuttgart or Tübingen, must expect to not only find the apartment devastated on his return, but also one or the other corpse.
Angelika Wesner, member of the "murderous sisters e.V.", is represented in this book with the Swabian short thriller "Opfer der Nacht". And to make non-Swabians understand the text, the author has translated many phrases into "German". A murderously exciting reading pleasure with delicious recipes!

Renaade Stempfle - Camping in Schwäbisch

Caravan idyll next to the treatment plant, boars in the awning, armed permanent campers with chainsaw  - at the campsite, nothing is impossible. Who could know that better than the Swabian groundskeeper Renaade Stempfle? She leads a resolute regiment on her campsite, demands personal checks at the driveway and threatens guests who are noisy during the midday break, gladly with reference to the plac.
When Renaade Stempfle tells of campsite life, the classic hotel vacationer is grabbed by naked horror. Convinced campers, however, know and confirm: none of these descriptions is invented and even exaggerated. And that's why they love camping.

The quirks of the campers always in the sights!

"Swabian-criminal Christmas"
24 thrillers - 30 recipes
Bettina Hellwig (ed.)
(C) 2017 Wellhöfer-Verlag, Mannheim
ISBN 9 783954 282296
355 pages, paperback, € 12,95
Order now directly at the SOKO Camping Shop.
Happy with personal dedication!
Also available in bookstores.

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