Strasbourg – In the footsteps of the Romans
- Written by Portal Editor
During our stay in Strasbourg, we had already collected some information about the Roman era of Strasbourg due to the visit to the Palais Rohan Museum.
We have already reported that the Roman general Drusus first set up a military outpost here on the Illinsel in 12 BC, which was given the name Argentoranum, which translates as "silver castle". In the immediate vicinity there was already a settlement of Belgian Gauls, also called Belgen, who were heavily interspersed with Germanic tribes and settled between the Seine and Marne and the Rhine.
Gallic Wars by Julius Caesar
Thus after the campaigns during the so-called Gallic War by Julius Caesar (from 58 - 51 BC) were the groups of Gauls reassigned to their settlement areas.
Thus, the Romans distinguished between Aquitanian Gauls (who belonged more to the Basque group than to those of the Celts), who inhabited roughly the region between the Pyrenees and the Garonne, and the Celtic Gauls or Celts between the Garonne and the Seine - Marne as well the documents already mentioned.
The definition of these two axes
The determination of these two axes was something like a divine act, so that a priest was usually present at all times. Even the Romans had a kind of “leveling device” that enabled them to precisely determine the cardinal points. We have already reported about this device, called Groma. The secondary axes were then laid out for the two main axes "cardo maximus" and "decumus maximus", resulting in chessboard-like city plans that are still easily recognizable in excavations today. Since the Romans always first created the infrastructure in the form of fresh water supply and gray water disposal, the chessboard-like pattern in the location overlooking the surrounding area always had a double meaning. Even today in Strasbourg, the “cardo maximus” can be seen in the rue du Dôme and the “decumus maximus” in the rue des Hallebardes.
Affected by major fires six times
Here it was particularly the excavations of Prof. Jean-Jacques Hatt, who also exactly document the evidence of the various major fires in the years 70, 97, 235, 355 as well as in the last quarter of the 4th century and in the first years of the 5th century could.
Altogether, the Argentoranum military camp, which had long since developed into a city, was hit by major fires six times and rebuilt six times.
Under the rule of the Roman Emperor Trajan and after the devastating fire of the year 97 AD, Argentoranum had reached its greatest extent and with it the strongest fortifications, which had long since developed from wooden palisades to stone fortifications.
Road from Augusta Vindelicorum to Argentoratum
From about 90 AD, the Legio VIII was permanently stationed in Strasbourg. As already mentioned, after the major fire, it was rebuilt to an unprecedented size of around 20 hectares. In addition to the actual Legio VIII, a cavalry detachment was housed in the Argentoranum camp, temporarily also the Legio XIV Gemina and the Legio XXI Rapax, which was under the leadership of Nero.
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