Turkey and Russia - Most Dangerous Places to Surf

A AVG study looks at the safest and most dangerous places to surf the Internet are Turkey, Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan all being the most likely to face threats while online. The data taken from 144 countries, involving over 100 million PCs, key results are as follows:

"Turkey leads the league table for risky surfing, one in 10 users of Internet. Users in Russia (1 in 15 were hit), Armenia (1 in 24), and Azerbaijan (1 in 39) also suffer high rates of attacks. 
Other areas where web surfers are disproportionately at risk include Bangladesh (1 in 41), Pakistan (1 in 48) and in SE Asia, Vietnam and Laos (where chances of facing an attack are both 1 in 42). What about other major Western countries? 

The US is at number nine when it comes to the riskiest places to go online (1 in 48) , UK is ranked 31st (1 in 63), Australia 37th (attack ratio = 1 in 75) while German web surfers come in at number 41 (1 in 83)."

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