Cotton field at Manavgat at full flower
- Written by Portal Editor
- Category: Flora
- Hits: 2456

Every year there are several thousand tourists who combine their vacation in Turkey with the purchase of still cheaper textiles.
Flora or flora is the population of plant species in a particular region or the systematic description of their entirety.
The term comes from the Latin name Flora, the Roman goddess of flowers and youth. The plant world is opposed to the animal world or fauna, named after the Roman goddess Fauna. Flora generally also refers to organisms with an autotrophic diet (self-nutrition).
Every year there are several thousand tourists who combine their vacation in Turkey with the purchase of still cheaper textiles.
Who does not know them, the characters from the Asterix-Comix, especially the infamous Druid Miraculix and his magic drink. And if there should be someone not know:
It is often just coincidences that cross our path when we are researching interesting events for new blog articles, which also applies to the Bonsai Days in Rostock's St. Nicholas Church.
Heritage varieties reflect our rich cultural diversity. Their names alone are a fascinating store of folklore, humour and the descriptive power of language.
With the end of the summer camping fun and our move to Lake Garder surrounded by forests, new perspectives are also possible during our hikes in the forest in autumn: photographing and/or collecting mushrooms.
The mudflat hike to the bird sanctuary island of Minsener Oog actually motivated us to write this article, because it was only this new perspective on the otherwise rather unknown plant that made the true importance of beach grass for coastal protection clear to us.
Longer than ever before, is the almost convincing answer from many readers on the topic of winter last year.
During our return journey from Istanbul via the Dardanelles towards Izmir, we also passed the region around the tourist town of Ayvalik. Like almost everywhere in Turkey, the construction industry is booming here and this is why there is often serious clear-cutting in nature, even if it "only" consists of huge groves of thousands of olive trees.
Our hike up to the Walmendinger Horn was not only an experience because of the truly indescribable view of the mountain panoramas in the area, but also the multitude of plants and herbs, some of which showed their full blooms, were simply fascinating in the variety of their variations.
Right at the beginning of our project trip we met in Vienna the responsible coordinator and organizer of the Roman festival in Brunn am Gebirge, Dr. Krickl, who will also involve us in the upcoming Roman festival of 2015 in Brunn as we develop further contacts and share our common interests.
On our tours through small towns and communities, we often noticed linden trees that had been planted in village squares for special occasions and therefore, in addition to their function as a source of shade and oxygen, must have other meanings in the lives of the residents.
Almost every Turkey lover knows the small Turkish dwarf banana from the Riviera coast, which is so wonderfully sweet and tasty on the markets and vegetable bazaars.
We were guests of friends in Alanya and were invited to dinner with homemade avocado cream as the conversation deepened. At first, the idea of going to a restaurant was in the foreground, but the conventional German-style “evening meal” was quickly preferred.
We were traveling with our friend Ricky from Izmir on the Çesme Peninsula when we drove into the town of Alaçati during lunchtime. In addition to the obligatory tour of the town, we also wanted to have lunch here.
Preservation and protection of nature are important issues on the agenda of many people today. Unfortunately, however, the protection of animals or plants is often misunderstood, namely when the species or genus does not actually belong in a region or can even have a significantly negative impact on the region and thus contribute to the extinction of other species.
A dry-looking, herbaceous tuft in the slightly dark storage room had caught our attention and so the question arose as to whether this tuft should be disposed of with the biological waste.
Arabica coffee, also known as mountain coffee, is the economically most important type of coffee. Coffea arabica is said to originally come from southwestern Ethiopia.
Like often before we were going shopping at the weekly market in Cikcili / Alanya to buy couple of fruit and vegetables for the coming days.
We were on our weekly shopping tour of the Antalya bazaar when we came across the fruit and vegetable vendor's stall offering the fruits of the prickly pear (group of Opuntia) for tasting and sale.
Only a few sites of this bizarre species of tree you will find anymore that once was responsible for the success of maritime trade but also contributed so greatly to the navies of the ancient Great Powers - the cedar of Lebanon.