Sandland Antalya – Sand Sculptures „Mythology II“
We enjoyed our time while exploring the sand sculptures in Lara during our excursion journey to Kaleiçi, Antalya. The genre of the exhibition of sand plastics was “Mythology II”.
It was quite easy to arrive at the exhibition site that was launched on an area of about 8.000m² just right hand side on the beach, where you are going from Lara by taking the way on the right that leds you to Kundus.
This exhibition on sand sculptures is being created by 40 artists coming from 10 different countries and will be open to service until the end of the upcoming autumn. Of course, this schedule depends on the weather conditions. A special river sand is mixed with water (since the particles are more angled, the structural appearance seems to be more stable) and the effort made herein turned out to be mythological sand sculptures reflecting the talents of genuine artists. It is likely that the exhibition shall last shorter than the planned schedule due to windy and rainy weather conditions.
The history of sand sculptures dates back to the ancient Egyptian period, as the Egyptian people prepared models made preferably of sand before they constructed the real buildings and monuments. Therefore, they were able to present concrete models and visual drafts to the artists and architectures, who were expected to construct the involved structure.
Before starting the construction process, the old figures were leveled by means of heavy construction equipments. Then sand was collected in accordance with the instructions given out by the artists and the first pressing process was conducted with the help of heavy construction equipments. The moulds that were prepared in advance were deployed on sand mass and pressed after. The main structuring process began just then so that the sculptures gained their shapes as off from the top to bottom. The sculptures representing the Gods in the Greek and Roman mythology were constructed in this way by taking the demands of the involved artists into account. Of course, they did not forget the Indian and Egyptian Gods. The details on the sculptures of Zeus, Pegasus, and Phoenix or of the mermaid were quite astonishing. What is more, they looked like real objects. It is quite fascinating when one thinks that 7500 tons of sand was used in total.
Unfortunately, the rainy weather conditions caused some harm on the sculptures. Therefore, it seems likely that the artists will need to restore some parts of the sculptures. The entrance fee is 8 TL. We recommend you to visit the exhibition site after the sunset. We ensure you that you will be enlightened within the field of mythology after you have visited this exhibition on “Mythology II”.
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