Fund-Raising Appeal for Pupils from Nepal
- Written by Portal Editor
Dear readers and followers of, please read and check the following lines of our dear friend Ann from Kale Emlak in Side for helping pupils in Nepal since they have lost most of their school buildings as well as all their education materials.
Knowing about Ann´s dedication and enthusiasm for the people from Nepal since years, we are asking you, if you see any possibility for helping Ann to collect some cash as well as some really needed goods as mentioned below. Not going to Nepal for the first time, there is additional help from Turkish Airlines to deliver whatever Ann and her helpers are able to collect.
In case of possible help, please contact Ann directly. Turkish and English language. Here now following her Email:
Hello Detlef,
A follow up to my conversation with you just now on the telephone.
I have set up a Fund-Raising Appeal to help not only my own Nepali friends left homeless by the earthquakes and aftershocks they have suffered over the last 5 weeks, but also for the schoolchildren of Kathmandu that are now having their lessons under tenting on the streets.
As you already know, I normally visit Nepal each March as I am involved with a group out there and we sponsor young girls from extremely poor families and get them into school. Without our help, they would have NO chance of an education and we are now involved with 22 schools, ALL of which are closed because they are completely destroyed or so badly damaged that they are not safe to use at this time.
I am returning to Kathmandu in 9 weeks time, flying out on August 3rd.
I'm collecting cash to give directly to the people that have lost their homes to help them start to buy materials to help them rebuild, or repair their homes when it feels more safe to do so and would appreciate any help that you could give by talking to your friends or business associates that might wish to contribute.
I'm also collecting things for the schoolchildren, colouring books, coloured pencils, jigsaws, etc that I will give directly to the teachers in various 'Camp Schools' after my arrival in Kathmandu August 4th.
Any help you can offer would be much appreciated, I've also been in touch with THY about them giving me FREE CARGO SERVİS to get a good ammount of things out there for these children. My heart has been in pieces but I feel very positive now that I've actually started to do something! My friends in Kathmandu are overjoyed that we are making an effort on their behalf over here and it's a lovely feeling to think that I'll be back amongst them soon. Monsoon!! Boş Ver!!!!!
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Many thanks Ann.
Margaret Ann Philpot....Kale Turkish Properties..Side..Antalya.
Office: +90 242 753 45 39
Mobile: +90 537 845 3307