For Christmas - a Poem by Joanna Fuchs

Christmas is the feast of the birth of Jesus Christ. The actual festival or public holiday is December 25th, Christmas Day, also called Sollemnitas in nativitate Domini, whose celebrations begin on the eve of Christmas Eve.

As a religious holiday, December 25th has been recorded in Rome since the year 336 AD. How it came to this date is still unclear. An influence by the Roman sun cult is discussed: Emperor Aurelian had set December 25, 274 as the nationwide festival day for Sol Invictus; early Christians probably drew parallels between this sun god and “Christ, the true sun” (Christ verus Sol).

This Christmas usually takes place with large families or friends who come together especially for this festival and usually only once a year. In the interest of all people, especially the elderly in our society, everyone should forego this this year, which is certainly difficult, but can be implemented.

Have we forgotten how to do without? Do habits have to be implemented despite better knowledge?

The numbers speak a clear language. Unfortunately the various organizations and institutions do not.

We wish all of our readers a Merry Christmas and, we hope, the best of health.

Christmas Joys

Evergreen boughs that fill our homes
With fragrant Christmas scents,
Hearts filled with the loving glow
That Christmas represents;

Christmas cookies, turkeys stuffed,
Festive holly berry,
Little faces bright with joy,
Loved ones being merry;

Parties, songs, beribboned gifts,
Silver bells that tinkle,
Christmas trees and ornaments,
Colorful lights that twinkle;

Relatives waiting with open arms
To smile and hug and kiss us;
These are some of the special joys
That come along with Christmas.

By Joanna Fuchs

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