Paderborn Biking Day at Palais Neuhaus

For the 18th time the Paderborn cycling day will happen this year. An event which presents itself in the beautiful castle garden of Palais Neuhaus.

Everything about bikes and the latest trends are exhibited in the castle garden. A beautiful setting to be inspired by what the bike market currently offers. The Paderborn attractions are a good starting point to explore Ostwestfalen-Lippe / Germany on the bike.
For short tours into the Teutoburg Forest with its attractions such as the Exernsteine ​​or even the Hermann Monument is a worthwhile destination. Passing the Senne, in the direction of the Ems cycle path, Paderborn countryside offers incomparably beautiful bike paths.

Micro Caravan Bturtle at Paderborn Biking Day

b_450_450_16777215_00_images_bturtle-touren_bturtle-ohridsee.jpgTo enjoy all this for several days, the Micro-Caravan B-Turtle is an ideal companion. For the first time, the 29kg lightweight bike trailer with its well-designed tent will be presented at the Paderborn cycling days.
If you want to experience a completely new way of traveling, you will be well equipped with the inflatable micro caravan.
It offers enough space for two sleeping persons and enough space to carry their luggage. Built up in a short time, in any place, the B-Turtle offers own little home that can be pulled by bike.
Not just by an e-bike but also any other kind of bike can discover the Paderborn country site with the B-Turtle. The trailer for the bike is probably the most revolutionary way to enjoy bike trips comfortably.
This coming Sunday exposed at the FeineReader Paderborn stand you can admire the B-Turtle and if you cannot stop by, you can also see the bike trailer in the shop at FeineRaeder. The website also provides sufficient information about the new way to travel.

Please read as well:

BTurtle Station Lichtenau - Paderborn - OWL turtle´s
Heinrich on Tour - against plastic in the Ocean


Life | Outdoors
