Painting, sculpture, ceramics and photography in Antalya

Akdeniz University (Turkish: Akdeniz Üniversitesi) is a campus university founded in 1982. It is based west of the center of the Turkish city of Antalya. Around 17,000 students are currently studying at Akdeniz University.

In addition to twelve faculties, there are four vocational schools on the campus.

antalya ausstellung 1In the past there have already been a number of events that we reported on in the portal, today an invitation to all interested parties from Antalya and the surrounding area for 28 academics and artists from various disciplines such as painting, sculpture, ceramics, Graphics, Photography and Traditional Turkish Art which will take place in Art Gallery of Antalya Archaeological Museum.

Dear Stammtisch members,

Akdeniz UniversityThe Application and Research Center for Social Policy and Migration Studies of Akdeniz University (ASPAG) invites art lovers from Antalya to the exhibition.

The group exhibition organized by ASPAG will meet with the public from March 17th to 31st, 2023 in the exhibition hall of the Archaeological Museum of Antalya.

antalya ausstellung 2The exhibition, presented to Antalya residents in the museum's art gallery, brings together 28 academics and artists from various disciplines such as painting, sculpture, ceramics, graphics, photography and traditional Turkish art from Antalya and other provinces. At the opening of the exhibition on March 17, 2023 at 4 p.m., ASPAG Director Prof. DR. Erol Esen and the artists who participated in the exhibition will be held. All art lovers are invited.

Detailed information: 28 academics and artists from various disciplines such as painting, sculpture, ceramics, graphics, photography and traditional Turkish art from Antalya

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