Ethnic marketing for Turks living in Germany

Dear readers and interested parties of the alaturka portal. Ms. Ilknur Bicak from the University of Duisburg-Essen asked us for help, which we are happy to do.

Please read the following cover letter and if you belong to the target group mentioned, we would be pleased if you would contribute to the successful survey with your help. Your team alaturka!

Ladies and Gentlemen

The chair of corporate and technology planning, focus on telecommunications at the University of Duisburg-Essen is conducting a survey on the subject of "ethnic marketing for Turks living in Germany" as part of a dissertation. The dissertation project deals with the question of the extent to which the ethnic identity or the acculturation of people of Turkish origin living in Germany affect consumer behavior, what attitudes there are towards culturally adapted marketing instruments, etc. The focus of the study is on telecommunications services. The questionnaire is aimed at people who come from Turkey either themselves or their (grand)parents. Of Turkish or Turkish origin does not only mean Turks, but all ethnic groups whose roots are within the geographical borders of Turkey.

(Ethnic marketing is aimed at target groups that are viewed as ethnically different from the majority population of a country (cf. ethnicization). Important target groups of ethno-marketing are, for example, in Germany the population of Turkish origin, Russian-Germans and increasingly also Chinese, in the USA Asian Americans, Hispanics and Afro-Americans. The country of origin of ethno-marketing is considered to be the USA, where it has been practiced on a larger scale since the end of the 20th century.)

ethno marketing 1For this we need your help by taking part in the survey. Your participation is of course voluntary, but still very important because you represent many other people. We will treat any information that you give us as strictly confidential and anonymously, in compliance with all data protection regulations. You can access the survey via the following link:

To the survey campaign!

Completed questionnaires take part in a raffle for one of 5 new Samsung Wave 8500 with the kind support of AY YILDIZ. In addition, 1 iPod Nano (8 GB) and 4 Amazon vouchers of 25 euros each will be raffled off. If you have any questions when filling out the questionnaire and/or about the study itself, please do not hesitate to call us (Dipl.-Kff. Ilknur Bicak, Tel. 0203/379-2655) or email us (e-mail: sebastian.may@ or

We thank you for your assistance.

Best regards

Ilknur Bicak


Dipl.-Kff. Ilknur Bicak

Chair of Business and Technology Planning,

Focus on the telecommunications industry

Mercator School of Management

university Duisburg-Essen

Lotharstrasse 65

47057 Duisburg

Phone: +49-(0)203-379-2655

Fax: +49-(0)203-379-2656



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