Thomb of Philip the Apostle is said to have been discovered

According to an article in Kathpress, Italian archaeologists have found the tomb of the apostle Philip in western Turkey.

The tomb was discovered in the ancient city of Hierapolis near Denizli.

In Turkish press reports on Wednesday, excavation director Francesco D'Andria spoke of a "find that is important for the Christian world and for archaeology". The tomb was discovered in the ancient city of Hierapolis near Denizli. According to the excavation director, it has not yet been opened.

Philip is said to have preached in western Anatolia, among other places, after the death of Jesus Christ. According to legend, the apostle died a martyr's death in what was then Roman Hierapolis. Excavation director D'Andria said that according to the scientists' findings, the apostle's tomb was moved from its original location to a church in Byzantine times, the remains of which have now been found.

The first pilgrims are already expected in Hierapolis!

apostle philipus 1The archaeologist expressed confidence that Hierapolis and the tomb could become a magnet for Christian pilgrims. Hierapolis is located above the world-renowned Pamukkale Travertines and is already a magnet for visitors.

The Italian excavation at Hierapolis is part of a whole series of international archaeological activities in Turkey. Austrian and German researchers are also conducting excavations in Anatolia.

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