Literary History to Take Home - Leipzig Book Fair

Literary History to Take Home - Leipzig Book Fair

Historical Treasures to Unearth at the 31st Leipzig Antiquarian Book Fair.

Everyone will find what they're looking for at the Leipzig Book Fair – whether they're looking for the latest bestseller, colorful comics, or antique treasures. For the 31st time, visitors to the Leipzig Antiquarian Book Fair can browse through literary history and purchase their favorite copies directly on-site. In Hall 5, there are numerous high-priced and affordable editions with fascinating pasts to discover.

2025 leipziger buchmesse 0937 antiquarian bookshops from across Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, and Switzerland will be presenting their rare book editions, graphics, illustrations, catalogs, and letters in Leipzig from March 27 to 30. Not only will they delight collectors and connoisseurs, they will also offer reading material at affordable prices for those who would like to take the works home. This year, the popular Literature Mile will be set up directly opposite the entrance to the Antiquarian Book Fair. This year, the antiquarian bookshop area will once again feature a fair café. Here, you'll find a quiet spot to admire your newly acquired treasures or simply enjoy the special atmosphere.

From shadow theater to artifacts from pop culture

2025 leipziger buchmesse 010The offerings from the exhibiting antiquarian bookshops are once again diverse and tempting. A recently published fair catalog provides information about the highlights. The catalog entries are also available online on the organizer's website, These exclusive items can be purchased at the booths from the first day of the fair.

For example, a joint catalog by the antiquarian bookshops Haufe & Lutz and Norbert Knöll on pop culture of the late 20th century, featuring books, records, and photographs, is being published especially for the Leipzig Book Fair. The antiquarian bookshop Büchergärtner offers its culturally and historically interesting paperback collection from the 1950s, which includes all paperbacks published in German-speaking countries – almost exclusively in first editions – up to the early 1960s. The Lorych Antiquarian Bookstore offers a complete shadow play from the late 19th century.

Reunited with the Antiquarian Book Fair: Book Art and Graphic Arts Moves to Hall 5

2025 leipziger buchmesse 011With the wide selection of antiquarian exhibits, it's certainly not just bibliophiles who will find what they're looking for. It's fitting, then, that this year the Book Art and Graphic Arts exhibition section is moving from Hall 2 to Hall 5, once again in close proximity to the pro Antiquarian Book Fair. Both areas of interest are thematically closely related, so visitors will benefit from the proximity.

The Leipzig Antiquarian Book Fair is organized by Stefan Lenzen and Marianne Fleischer-Bartsch of in close cooperation with the Leipzig Book Fair.

2025 leipziger buchmesse 08Further information and the catalog entries from the antiquarian bookstores can be found on the website.

The Leipzig Book Fair will take place from March 27 to 30, 2025. The tickets are also valid for the Leipzig Antiquarian Book Fair and are available in the online ticket shop.

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