At the underwater springs of Lake Ohrid in Sveti Naum
- Written by Portal Editor
underwater springs of Lake Ohrid in Sveti Naum
What we could not do during our first visit to the Sveti Naum Monastery, we wanted to catch up on now together with our Swiss friend Sven: a boat trip on the spring lake near the monastery.
As already mentioned, Lake Ohrid is supplied with fresh water by three rivers and the spring lake at Sveti Naum. The spring water here is really clean and very cold, which reaches the point of view several meters into depth and a corresponding underwater flora could develop.
The underwater sources appear because of the Prespa Lake on the other side of the Galicica mountain, which is higher and thus gives off part of its water into Lake Ohrid by underground channels.
The quantities of fresh water are so immense that approximately every 70 years, the sea water is completely replaced (at Prespa lake, water is changed every 25 years). This is one reason that the water of Lake Ohrid still has excellent water quality.
As one attraction of the area the tour in the spring lake is considered, which is offered to tourists with rowing boats and boatmen. Private boats are not allowed.
You should inform the skipper prior to the start of the tour on which purposes you would like to see the bubbling underwater sources that can mostly be seen in the sandy, bright surfaces.
Like often at tourist attractions, a boat tour is recommended during the week because on weekends there are crowds of people, many boaters do not take the time and patience to bring the guests to the bubbles and with appropriate serenity to the sources.
Explain the skipper that you want to see the bubbles. Important then is to have as little movement in the boat, so that the sources are clearly visible.
Like small volcanic cone piles on the sandy sediments on the ground of the lake. A fascinating spectacle of nature.
Giant reed areas also ensure that the water is filtered and therefore retains its clarity. We know the filter effect of so-called C4 plants (irises, reeds, rushes, etc.) which are used in northern Europe on reed beds to clean the gray water.
Around the Lake Ohrid there are many giant reed areas that hopefully can be kept, so that the water quality does not deteriorate, despite increasing tourism.
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