Hiking, mountain biking and fishing at Agkistro
- Written by Portal Editor

Hiking, mountain biking and fishing at Agkistro
After the first tour through Agkistro and the visit of the Hamam, we discussed the subject of hiking and mountain biking with Anthimos as we noticed the huge amount of mountain bikes were in their office building.
Anthimos described the background with the setting up of hiking and mountain bike trails in the region and we quickly decided to start a short trip, at least to part of these routes.
Unfortunately, the current visit did not allow enough time to follow one of these routes, which have map and / or GPS information and are also well marked and almost meet with the border with Bulgaria.
The next visit will lead to further articles and pictures in this regard, since we were already able to speak quite intensively about setting up a camper stop in Agkistro at this time.
A little later we were already on the way, Anthimos was leading us to a small lake of absolutely clear spring water, which is also used for trout breeding.
Occupied with huge plane trees, the place would allow campers, especially since the way to the village center is not far.
The next destination was the ascent to the springs of the creek, cold and clear with drinking water quality, which is partly also used in the pool facility for trout breeding.
A small waterfall in the stream rounded up the picturesque landscape.
The vigorous growth of the small spring lake was also due to the water quality.
No question then, which we later ran to the related restaurant, to try a fresh trout meal - and were not disappointed. Water quality is the most important quality factor.
Above the stream, we were able to see the former course of the creek impressively, which has carried over more and more sediments over the millennium.
Please read as well:
Agkistro - attractive mountain village at the border with Bulgaria
The Struma - today Strymonas - river of historical importance