Olive oil from 1,800 years old tree in Teos
- Written by Portal Editor

A very special sale took place in Teos on the Turkish Aegean, where half a liter of oil of an olive tree was sold for 5.100, - €.
Half a liter of olive oil produced from the olives of an 1800-year-old olive tree in the ancient city of Teos in the district of Seferihisar in Izmir was sold to consumers for 22,000 Turkish lira (5,084 euros).
The buyer Şah Tuğrul said that with the purchase he wanted to support the work to protect the old olive trees and therefore accepted the price.
The auction sold a total of 137 liters of olive oil for 49,200 Turkish Lira.
The oil had been extracted from the 200 trees in Seferihisar, which are more than 500 years old.
According to the mayor´s office of the town of Seferihisar, the oil was extracted using traditional methods.
The olive growing in the Aegean region from Ayvalik to Kusadasi looks back on a long history. Since ancient times, olive trees have been planted there.
The extracted olive oil is exported from there to the whole world and enjoys growing popularity.
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