CMT Stuttgart - hotspot for paragliders and hang gliders

CMT Stuttgart - hotspot for paragliders and hang gliders

CMT Stuttgart - hotspot for paragliders and hang gliders

We found a lot of new experiences in the adventurous sport of the paragliders while roaming the newly opened Hall 10 (Paul Horn Hall) of paragliding and hang gliding.


New in the concept of the CMT with the special area there was a comprehensive offer for all beginners and experts of this so popular leisure pleasure. Around 80 domestic and foreign manufacturers, dealers, flight schools and associations present their current products and services.


In the various ActiveFly simulators, some with spectacle monitors, interested visitors can experience their "safe" paragliding flight almost live and thus experience thermal up very close.


With the unique innovation in paragliding training it is now possible for the first time to learn to "actively fly" on the ground and to safely train accident-prone situations.


After the passage we noticed that this hall was unfortunately only open on the 1st CMT weekend - too much crowded were program and offers!


Lectures with speakers on the big stage were:
Lecture: Wild Kyrgyzstan - Flying with friends
- Mik Broschart and Ralf Heuber
Lecture: The most beautiful flying areas of Greece
- Burkhard Martens
Lecture: Lecture increased eye protection
Why does conventional sunglasses with 100% UV protection only protect the front of the eye and is inadequate for paragliders, bikers, travelers, athletes and hikers?
- Giuseppe Caruso
Lecture: Fly paragliding safely - experience from 10 years of safety training
- Chris Geist (Paragliding Academy)
Lecture: The first cross-country flight! For beginners only.
Tips and tricks for the first hops to the neighboring mountain
- Ferdinand Vogel (German record holder in cross-country flying)
Lecture: Airspace for paragliding and hang gliding
The increasing air traffic in Central Europe also presses us paragliders and hang gliders. In addition to the increase in civil aviation, drones will also conquer the airspace in the future. Is there still enough room for us or are we the last one in the feeding chain? Björn Klaassen is responsible for airspace planning and airspace use at the DHV. In his presentation he explains the airspace in Germany and the neighboring countries as well as the current demand of the BFU that all aircraft must be equipped with transponders.
- Björn Klaassen
 Lecture: Flow - or why fly makes you happy
- Yvonne Dathe
 Lecture: From pedestrian to paraglider pilot
The first steps to paragliding
- Achim Joos, (World Cup overall winner, multiple World Cup event winner and multiple German champion)
 Lecture: Fascination Hike & Fly
- Sigi Ludwig, (free space)
Lecture: Paraglider development with Hannes Papesh, the new paraglider company PHI
- Mike Küng and Hannes Papesh
Lecture: Stories between muezzins and gods - Hike & Fly from Macedonia to Oylmp
Flying and on foot, in the luggage only paraglider, sleeping bag and the most necessary for life, were Werner Schütz, Robert Heim and Herrmann Stimitzer eight days on the road. They experienced generous hospitality, genuine camaraderie and glorious flights. A lecture with a lot of humor that makes you really feel like paragliding.
- Werner Schütz, Robert Heim and Hermann Stimitzer

CMT Stuttgart Day 1 - and a visit from SWR
Pal Takats - most skilled acro pilot
Patrik Andre - Turkish record of 262 kilometres


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