Hello, I'm Fred and if you want, I'll take you on a discovery tour
- Written by Portal Editor

Hello, I'm Fred and if you want, I'll take you on a discovery tour
Again and again there are encounters that illustrate how much the travel tourism has established in recent years and how "exotic" the holiday destinations have become.
Unthinkable, just years ago, campers are now tackling targets in their sometimes self established and designed vehicles, which, despite political problems, are really so appealing that many hardships are tolerated.
So we met together with the "travel group of Fred" and their motorhome, which are, after first explorations in Scandinavia, travelling across the Balkans and Greece, Turkey and Georgia in the direction of Lake Baikal and Mongolia. Something camera shy, as they say of themselves, we present their travel companion Fred:
I am Fred from the house of Nici and was freed by my adoptive parents from a Berlin department store in 2009. Since then I have been discovering the world together with my wife Chilli and a few other conspecifics.
My adoptive parents are a bit shy, so they do not want pictures. We are all on the road again. For this we have extra specially purchased an old vehicle, more of which you can read in our blog in the category "Travel vehicle".
Currently we are on our time out tour, which initially went through Eastern Europe and Scandinavia. Meanwhile, it goes through southern Europe without delay and further along the Silk Road to Lake Baikal.
Since there may be more encounters with campers and / or maybe the interest in similar tours is aroused, here is a reference to our blog "Fred on Discovery!
Please read as well:
Magirus Deutz Camper at Zampetas in Thessaloniki
On the way to Tierra del Fuego - stopover at Lake Ohrid