The Berlin Travel Festival - First Impressions of the Event
- Written by Portal Editor

The Berlin Travel Festival - First Impressions
As a real alternative to the traditional travel fairs, the Berlin Travel Festival and its motto "Travel Different" goes into the second round of its existence, from 8.-10. March 2019 in the Arena Berlin, bringing together again the adventurers, discoverers and brands of today.
We had heard a few comments and reviews from visitors after the first event, so we wanted to get an idea of this new travel and exhibition format, now just the visitors are missing.
Once again there are around 100 speakers and 150 exhibitors, who deal with the latest innovations, original ideas and exciting destinations worldwide, from time to time guided tours are offered.
During the three-day event, everything revolves around new perspectives on the subject of travel, whether a weekend trip to your favorite metropolis or a life-changing journey.
Brands, friends, lodging, tech geeks and travel freaks. You / We have all combed the most remote corners and some of the seven seas to find people who share the same enthusiasm for traveling as the Berlin Travel Festival team itself.
Each of the five areas of the Berlin Travel Festival - Body, Mind & Spirit, Outdoor Escapes, Culture Journeys, Weekenders and The Nest - offers destinations, products and fresh perspectives for a new generation of travelers.
Lot of amusement options for the kids are available too. We will see later, when the Festival opens its gates.
Tiny and small - even in the camping- and outdoor section - a sigle camper - lovely to notice. Not just the solar panel on the roof are offering electricity, so the wind mill does too.
And quite attractive from the inside too - What an option.
Not too much crowded during the arly morning, everything relaxed.
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