The best press photos in the world - exhibition in Kitzingen

Until March 11, 2018, the exhibition "The best press photos in the world", which is open daily between 10:00 am and 07:00 pm, takes place in Kitzingen in the Rathaushalle.

Each year, the World Press Photo Foundation invites an interested audience to the largest and most prestigious photography competition in the world, attended by press photographers from around the world. The international foundation World Press Photo is an independent, non-profit organization for press photography and free exchange of views. For this purpose, workshops, seminars and projects are carried out worldwide, as well as the annually recurring exhibition of the best press photos worldwide. An international jury awards prizes in various categories, such as nature, sports, everyday life, but also hard facts are documented here photographically.

b_450_450_16777215_00_images_kultur_filme_world-press-kinder.jpgAfter the world premiere of the exhibition in Amsterdam, which is almost always in April, the exhibition is shown worldwide in about 100 major cities in about 40 countries and visited by about 4 million people. Although Kitzingen is not necessarily a metropolis compared to Berlin, Montreal and Tokyo, the World Press exhibition is still here for the 12th time. Kitzingen is on this World Tour even the smallest venue of all exhibition venues.

At the exhibition in Kitzingen now taking place pictures of photographers who participated in the competition in 2017 will be shown. A total of 5034 photographers from 126 countries took part in the competition. The jury had the difficult decision to select the winners from a total of 80408 photographs.

The exhibition World Press Photo shows all winning photos in the Rathaushalle / Kitzingen.

First prize in the category current topics:
Jonathan Bachmann, USA / Reuters
Protester protesting the shooting of a black citizen by the police, Baton Rouge / USA

The first prize in the category Single photo:
Laurant Van der Stockt, Getty's Image Report for Le Mans / France
A girl stands outside while members of the anti-terrorist battalion of Iraqi forces search during an offensive to free Mossul houses in the eastern suburb of Gogjali. Mosul was the last stronghold of the terrorist organization IS in Iraq (see photo at text beginning).

Wan Tijun / China
Pupils from a gymnastics school in Xuzhu, China, have to do 30 minutes of toe pressure training in the afternoon. There are over 2,000 sports schools in China, which have produced 95% of the country's Olympic athletes. Because of the ultra-hard training, fewer and fewer parents are willing to put their children to the hardships. Some schools have already closed (see photo above, in the text).

Meaningless training exercises

When asked which of the exhibited press photos he considers the most expressive photograph in the World Press Foto exhibition, the head of Kitzinger Volkshochschule Richard Arndt-Landbeck replied:
"An irritating and disturbing picture. Despite its superficial aesthetics, it shows a disturbing, almost cruel situation in the everyday life of a Chinese gymnastics school. Children who naturally have a high urge to move are forced into a static training exercise whose meaninglessness is expressed in their faces by sadness, frustration and pain. "(Richard Arndt-Landbeck / Mainpost)

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