Mobile working – new lifestyle options

After our articles introducing some vehicles (Alpine Cross Cabin and Fendt Tendensa Connect) for mobile working, we received a number of reader inquiries on the topic, as large parts of the population still have no real idea of what mobile working means and, above all, for which professional groups mobile working can be implemented.

We ourselves were able to gain some experience through our project work on the development of outdoor and camping tourism in the Balkans and Turkey in the Fendt Saphir Scand. It goes without saying that the employee should be interested at all. However, this type of employment is not an option for all professions. We have listed some examples of location-independent jobs for which mobile working is an option and will start with an example.

Working in the home office or even mobile?

mobiles arbeiten 04There is a young woman in Bremen who has been working for a company in the field of animal nutrition and animal health for years, but does almost 100% of her work in the still relatively new form of “home office”, as the majority of articles are on animal health and Animal nutrition needs to be created, questions from customers and work on the company's homepage need to be done.

However, the young woman in question has a hobby that is difficult to implement in northern Germany; she is an enthusiastic surfer or surfer. Since we have been at this for some time now, it is obvious that we should also tackle bigger challenges, i.e. H. also to experience the Atlantic waves of Portugal.

mobiles arbeiten 02Since she is not naive, she should first take surfing courses, which take a lot of time because the weather conditions do not always allow surfing. So why not move your workplace to Portugal for an initial 3 months?

After a few discussions, the company was ready because the requirements of a stable telephone network and a stable internet connection were met in Portugal (unlike in Germany). Therefore, other points had to be clarified, such as health insurance and a time-limited employment contract that included Portugal as a work location with a secondment order. The second three-month stay in Portugal is now history, the third will follow shortly - and to the complete satisfaction of the contracting parties.

Work that is particularly suitable for mobile working

mobiles arbeiten 05The same options can also apply to teaching offerings: whether as a tutor for individual students or in the form of a so-called digital classroom - these days, teaching offerings often take place entirely online simply due to the Corona pandemic.

Or using translation work as an example: if you have a perfect command of at least one foreign language, you can become a self-employed translator or work for a translation agency. The focus here is on meeting deadlines. In addition to the choice of place of work, your own working hours must be based on your own decision.

Mobile working is also possible in the field of graphic design, because many creative professions “only” require the right software in addition to stable internet. It is therefore advisable for employees to use a work laptop.

Or in the area of software development: regardless of whether it is for the development of apps, digital booking systems or other software programs - anyone who works in the area of software development can usually work from different locations.

And of course, the broad area of blogging: Copywriters, content marketing managers and editors earn their living by creating content for blogs, news magazines or other websites.

Other popular industries that are suitable for mobile work

mobiles arbeiten 03   Social media marketing
   Web development
   Customer service
   Coaching in various areas
   Work in market research

How to switch to mobile working

mobiles arbeiten 07There is no legal right to home office or mobile working. As an interested party, you must decide individually with your own management how the location-independent cooperation can be designed. Both sides can protect themselves in a detailed contract. This usually stipulates a minimum presence working time and technical accessibility. The length of the cooperation and data protection issues also belong in such a contract.

It should be mutually ensured that the contractually regulated working and availability times are adhered to. As a note and tip: you should not exceed break times and strictly separate your private and professional life. In this context, it also makes sense to consider providing a work cell phone.

Communication is the key to success. In order to ensure the best possible cooperation and satisfaction on both sides, regular feedback discussions are recommended. In this way, ambiguities can be eliminated and frustration avoided.

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Life | Outdoors
