Lake Garder - A paradise for nature lovers and adventurers

The Mecklenburg Lake District is known far beyond the country's borders, especially among campers, for its magnificent nature, hills, forests and meadows that are ideal for hiking and cycling.

We discovered Lake Garder - no, not the one in Italy, because that is spelled with an a after the d, but the lake near the small town of Lohmen in the Sternberg Lake district and are using the Lake Garder campsite for our stay.

Geographical location and history of the lake

garder see 03Lake Garder is located in the Rostock district about two kilometres west of Lohmen in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, it has a maximum depth of 15.5 meters and an area of ​​around 1.05 square kilometres. The natural lake is a maximum of 1.2 kilometres long (1.6 kilometres with the southern bay) and also about 1.2 kilometres wide, so there is enough water for swimming.

On the shore there are three smaller districts of the municipality of Lohmen: Althagen in the south, Garden in the north and Garder Mühle in the west. The lake is highly structured and has several distinctive bays. The southern bay is almost separated from the rest of the lake by a small island. The Bresenitz, which flows through the lake, flows into this area, and the Bollbach also provides fresh water in addition to the ditches.

The following lakes are in the immediate vicinity: Mühlensee (0.8 km), Lähnwitzsee (2.3 km), Lohmer See (2.3 km), Hollensee (2.7 km) and Nienhagener See (2.7 km).

Historical development of Garder See

garder see endmoraeneThe lake lies in an undeveloped, hilly terminal moraine landscape from the last ice age in the Mittleres Mildenitztal nature reserve. Terminal moraines form when melting and the supply of ice are in balance at the end of a glacier. The edge of the ice then remains stable for a long time; however, the ice itself continues to move. This is how the sandy hills and the numerous lakes were created.

The Garder See was first mentioned in a document in 1237 as See Gardene when the Dobbertin monastery property was expanded. In this document, the Lord of Werle and Rostock Nikolaus confirmed the boundaries of the monastery area, which is also related to the fishing rights to be granted.

The outflow of the Garder See to the Woriner See was created by an artificial cut through the land. Here lies the settlement Garder Mühle, whose name refers to the operation of a water mill from 1263 to 1828.

Adam Langermann from Klein Upahl sued the monastery office in 1725-1727 because of disputes about fishing on the Garder See.

In 1858, the foreland was leased according to classification tables, and the lease for fishing was terminated in 1890. The lease agreement concluded with the fisherman Koebcke from Dobbertin in 1899 was extended until 1905.

Sustainable tourism on Lake Garder is developing

garder see 07Since the 1970s, the area around Lake Garder has become a tourist location. First, a children's holiday camp was built by the VEB equipment combine for "Rinderanlagen Nauen" and then a community-owned campsite was set up. This was followed by the construction of company and private holiday homes.

After German reunification and the founding of the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in 1990, the recreational facilities were completely renovated and funded by the municipality of Lohmen. A new campsite was built on the north bank. The holiday camp, located between the lake and the district of Lohmen, became the property of the family of the former caretaker and camp manager, who offered it for sale. A specially founded GmbH with the name of the lake became the owner and, using well-preserved elements of the holiday camp, had it expanded into a rehabilitation clinic. The new clinic “Garder See” GmbH opened in 1996. During the renovation and expansion work, remains of a much earlier settlement were found. – The clinic developed into one of the largest employers in the community and has around 315 beds (as of 2020).

Natural beauty of Lake Garder - flora and fauna around the lake

garder see 02On the shore of the lake, reeds and cattails, some of which are taller than a man, have settled and form a belt that is five meters wide on average.

These water-loving plants are followed inland by alders and willows.

Eels, perch, bream, pike, roach, tench and zander have been and are caught in the lake.

The lake is also used by a local fisherman who supplies fresh fish to regional hotels and restaurants. The Geibrasch fishing farm in Lohmen issues guest fishing permits.

Activities at Lake Garder

garder see 04We have just mentioned fishing enthusiasts, but there are a number of different and interesting ways to make your free time varied from the campsite.

Be it the opportunity to swim, sail and surf, dive in the clear waters of the lake or explore it by boat. In the district of Garden there is an official bathing area and also numerous free, unguarded access points to the lake.

For nature lovers, we recommend a trip to the surrounding area with its numerous lakes and extensive forests, whether you go hiking or cycling.

On the way, you will come across a wide variety of animals, such as the otter or sea eagle, the bittern or the colourful kingfisher. On the very second day of our stay, a hedgehog crossed our pitch.

Historical places and monuments

garder see 05Prehistoric and early historical archaeological monuments of our ancestors can also be found around the lake. For hiking enthusiasts, the peace of nature and the healthy air offer extensive rest and relaxation.

A walking path from the rehabilitation clinic leads in a loop to the south bank of the lake, where the former bathing area of ​​the holiday camp has been preserved as a wild lake access.

In the years 2000 to 2001, the first "archaeological trail" in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern was created in the territory of the municipalities of Lohmen and Klein Upahl.

Sights near Lake Garder

garder see 09

These include the burial mound field in the Lohmer Stüde, the boundary stones between Klein Upahl and Gerdshagen, the lime kiln near Gerdshagen, the viewing platform near Klein Upahl, the megalithic tomb of Klein Upahl, the rest area at Drögen Kraug and the Lenzer Steintanz.

Attractive places in the wider area around Lake Garder

Numerous beaches on the nearby Baltic Sea can also be reached within an hour's drive, not to mention that the Hanseatic cities of Wismar and Schwerin can also be reached within an hour's drive.

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