Wismar - historical buildings and Old Harbour awaiting us

The old town of Wismar has been closely linked to the sea for centuries, far beyond fishing, which can be felt in the Old Harbor in the unmistakable flair of seafaring, fishing and of course the Hanseatic League and the lavish brick buildings.

Wismar became an important member of the Hanseatic League in the Middle Ages. From around 1276, Wismar was surrounded by a city wall, which was expanded into the Wismar Fortress in the 17th century. From 1721, the fortress was reduced. To the west of the street was the section of the city wall at the Water Gate, with six defensive towers and a gate. From 1869, the wall, towers and a gate were demolished here to improve the city's development and the street was built in front of the wall. The high church towers of St. George's Church with its viewing platform, St. Mary's Church and the Hospital Church of the Holy Spirit dominate the waterside image of the old Hanseatic city, and Swedish heads on the dolphins in front of the Old Harbor greet those passing by.

The heyday of the Hanseatic League begins, Wismar becomes a wealthy city

wismar alter hafen 03If you take yourself back in time, you can imagine the richly laden cogs of merchants, while in the harbour there was extensive haggling over goods and the fishermen negotiated the best prices for their freshly caught fish. Even today there are a few fishmongers' stalls that offer fresh fish or already prepared fish dishes. After work, coarse sea shanties were sung in the pubs and lots of sea yarns were spun, or at least that was our fairytale idea. Of course, we had also planned a fish meal for later in the afternoon. Over the centuries, the port, shipping and trade in Wismar grew quite quickly, as the Old Port has largely retained its location and specific shape since 1211. Important goods were handled: wines from Spain, Italy and France, furs and wood from Russia, skins from Norway, also cloth, silk and wool, but above all fish and spices, wax, malt and salt. Trade across the Baltic Sea and inland flourished. The heyday of the Hanseatic League began, Wismar became a wealthy city. Wismar, the beautiful and powerful, earned its place as an important city in the Hanseatic League.

Fish market - to buy fresh fish, of course

wismar alter hafen 04But the picture has long since changed. Today, cutters, barges, yachts, passenger ships and traditional ships such as the Kogge and the Atalanta dominate the Old Port. Fishermen invite people on their cutters to enjoy a hearty sea voyage or fishing trips. Cruise ships can also be admired from the quayside. At weekends, many locals and tourists meet at the fish market - to buy fresh fish, of course, and enjoy the lively harbour life. For berths, advance reservations through the harbour master are advisable. Sanitary buildings are open at the water hiking rest area on Kopenhagener Straße from April 1st to October 30th.

Once a year in June, Wismar invites you to the big, colourful harbour festival. Then, like in the old days, large sailing ships crowd the harbour basin. At the sight of the historic sailing ships, even the last landlubber is seized by a thirst for adventure and wanderlust...

The historic street Am Hafen is in Wismar between the old town and the old harbour, both of which are under special protection by UNESCO after Wismar was added to the World Heritage List in 2002. It leads south-north and then east from Ulmenstraße / Schiffbauerdamm / Fischerreihe to Kopenhagener Straße and Wasserstraße past the old harbour.

The street is very heterogeneous with mostly two to four-storey houses. The houses marked with (D) are listed as historical monuments. Listing from south to northeast:

wismar alter hafen 01West/south side:

  • Round pit no. 4: 2-story half-timbered house known as the Red House Wismar (D) on the so-called vault above the pit
  • Round pit no. 3: 3-story hotel with stepped gable and restaurant
  • No. 14a: 4-story gabled house with sailmaking workshop
  • No. 14a: 2-story warehouse and workshop building of the sailmaking workshop as a half-timbered building, renovated in 1998/99[3]
  • Houses on the street Am Lohberg with, among other things, the Brauhaus am Lohberg as a half-timbered house from 1452 and remains of the city wall with two old cast muzzle loaders on wheel carriages
  • Water gate from 1450 in the brick Gothic style, last surviving city gate of the original five.
  • Spiegelberg no. 61–65: 2- and 3-story. Hotel Am Alten Hafen and holiday apartments
  • No. 1: 2-story building with Club Maritim and memorial plaque for the expressionist film Nosferatu - A Symphony of Horror, directed by Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, about the legendary figure Nosferatu, which was shot here in 1921.
  • At the harbour / Fischerstraße: 3-story corner house with penthouse floor

wismar alter hafen 02Harbour side:

  • No. 6: 1-story newer building with bistro at the harbour
  • Schiffbauerdamm No. 1: 1-story newer house with steak and fish restaurant
  • Schiffbauerdamm No. 3: 2-story newer building with Oberdeck restaurant
  • No. 1a: 2-story clinker-clad neo-Gothic old customs house from 1888 (D) with stepped gable, gable projection, holiday apartments and restaurant
  • No. 2: 2-story house with shop and holiday apartment Pier 16
  • No. 5: 2-story newer 8 and 9 gabled brick houses as a holiday complex Lotsenhus as well as with restaurants, shops and offices
  • Stockholmer Straße No. 10: 4-story brick apartment building Pier One
  • Kutterfischer on the western harbour quay
  • Stockholmer Straße No. 1: 1-story market and event hall Wismar
  • Parking lot and parking garage Old Town / At the harbour

The evening atmosphere in the Old Harbor is also unforgettable. Stroll along the quay and enjoy the smell of tar, seaweed, salt water and fish and end the day in a cozy harbour bar and dream of the big wide world!

Please read as well:

A detour with consequences - Passage of the Lake Dojran

Day trip - From Marseille to Glanum


Life | Outdoors
