Nativity figures at town church of St. Wenzel in Naumburg

In a local Sunday news-paper we had read about local events in connection with the upcoming Christmas markets, including the larger-than-life nativity figures carved from solid wood in Naumburg.

Since we are very interested in all objects made of solid wood, the nativity figures are also of great interest to us.

Nativity scene with the Holy Jesus family as an exhibition

naumburg krippe 2On the initiative of the sculptor Stefan A. Hutter, who lives in Naumburg, a presentation of the birth of Jesus in the form of the nativity scene with the Holy Family could be started as an exhibition for the first time in 2012. In the years that followed, the Three Kings, the Shepherd, and various other figures and animals were created and added to the Holy Family. The imposing staircase portal of the town church of St. Wenzel was chosen as the exhibition venue, since access through the small palace on the market square opens up a unique perspective for the visitor on the so-called councilman's portal.

The larger-than-life Christmas crib made of solid wood, mostly made of oak, grows from year to year, because the sculptor Stefan Hutter adds a new figure every year. The impressive, larger-than-life wooden figures magically attract young and old from near and far.

Stefan Hutter, "father" of the Naumburg nativity scene

naumburg krippe 4Let the sculptor Stefan Hutter, "father" of the Naumburg nativity scene, take you into the world of the Naumburg nativity scene, because he personally explains each individual nativity scene during the guided tours.

Its history and stories are conveyed particularly beautifully against the backdrop of St. Wenceslas Church.

With a visit to the Christmas market and a "meal" (original Thuringian bratwurst from Apolda), the day is as good as perfect.

Afterwards, discussions with the artist are possible.

naumburg krippe 1His opinion:

"In my work I encounter one of the oldest traditions of art, so man found his first image in stone sculptures.

However, I am not concerned with the simple reproduction of the visible. I have the aspiration to implement the presence of a person in my art.

Their spatial presence gains an aesthetic expression in the sculpture, which allows them to be perceived in a new way.

My goal is to give form to how people feel.”

“Sculptures are created with equal force and sensitivity. They are knocked out of a raw block. Their form is found in the resistance of the solid material.”

naumburg krippe 5The project was created through collaboration between the artist of the city of Naumburg, the city management and numerous donors and sponsors.

You are also welcome to support this.

The Naumburg Nativity Scene can be visited from the 1st of Advent to the 6th of January

Please read as well:

Lahnstein and Lahneck Castle – A short overnight visit

First snow and pre-Christmas mood at Naumburg Cathedral


Life | Outdoors
