On the way to New Zealand - America later on?!

Again there was an interesting meeting, this time with Suse and Axel from Munich and their motor home Frieda expanded on the basis of a VW T3 - and this once again showed that the camper stop Zampetas has developed to a real cornerstone for travelers on the Balkans.

Not only because there is a shop with various articles campers need, now repairs on the vehicles are professionally done on the site and running less expensive then in other European countries. But now we quickly turn back to Suse and Axel.

After several years of professional activity, the two have taken a sabbatical year to pursue one of their dearest wishes: a trip around the world, which will initially run through Europe and Asia to New Zealand. The first leg of their tour had initially led to Spittal, where the family as a surprise to the two travelers met in the context of a birthday visit one last time. Then they continued towards Premantura on the local campsite. At this point it is again specifically pointed out that "wild camping" in Croatia is prohibited and can be punished with up to 550, - € penalty.

The continuously following readers of our contents on alaturka might already know Suse and Axel from visiting the Cave of Petralona together, so we want to point on the two main activities of the two travelers Suse and Axel at this point: hiking or exploration on foot and cycling. So the two explore, besides the cities, roundtrips per bike, which they then introduced into their blog Suse and Axel. In this way a bike ride to Ston was the next stage of their journey, which they had done when arriving at Starigrad Paklenica. Following then, they carried out some of their lovingly "care days" with referred hours of servicing of bicycles and campers what we should learn later too.

We had shared a bike ride to the beach of Perea with Axel when various noises were noticed during the switching operations of our touring bikes, which prompted him to inspect the bikes a little more detailed after our return. So we had the pleasure of learning his skills as a "bicycle wrench," its was really nice to watch that he really loves and knows how to solve our problems switching with a few simple steps and also do maintenance next to it. Our conclusion: the bikes turned back, almost like new!

Our evening discussions naturally led to the other stations of Suse and Axel, which should result from Dubrovnik to Montenegro and Albania. So the two of them could also report the annoying city transit through Tirana, because they, like us, had been stuck there in the thick traffic for hours. Was it the ceremony for first participation in the European Championship for national team of Albania in football with us, so with them a local major event was responsible for the chaos in the city. The construction of the ring road of Tirana has indeed now come forward a good deal, so a good part of the direction of Elbasan is already finished, but still lacks the route towards Skodaer. For travelers by campers should be noted at this point that the Hotel Baran provides its courtyard for campers, a very good opportunity for a walking tour through Tirana.

Suse and Axel were then going to Lin on Lake Ohrid, a place that we had visited, since there are also surviving mosaics in a basilica. We were then going to Camping Rino on the Macedonian side, as our route nevertheless should be more oriented along the Roman roads towards Ohrid and Bitola. However, we all came to the conclusion, that Lake Ohrid probably really belong to the absolutely worth visiting destinations, especially since there long walks in the Galicica Mountains possible.

Meanwhile Suse and Axel already arrived in Alexandroupolis and Turkey where their tour will lead you along the Black Sea coast in the direction of Trabzon and Rize, a route to which we were able to contribute with some hints and tips. We hope for the maintenance of contact so that we can and will also report about their experiences.

Please read as well:

Camperstop Zampetas - Again a camper on the way to Iran

Magirus Deutz Camper at Zampetas in Thessaloniki


Life | Outdoors
