Türkiye wants to develop and build its own electric car!

From time to time, reports appeared in the Turkish media that they would like to try to develop and mass-produce their own car brand in the country in the future in order to be less dependent on imports and create their own brand in the long term.

In the last year, the potentially profitable perspective of the electric car was discovered. Along the way, the Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Institute (TÜBITAK), supported by the government, launched a project to plan to mass-produce an electric car "Made in Turkey".

100 million Turkish Lira to develop series production

After the publications last year, a total of 20 suggestions were submitted to TÜBITAK, from which 10 electric car prototype ideas qualified for a second round in the selection process. In a government statement, Turkey's Science, Industry and Technology Minister Fikri Isik said one of these ten projects will be selected shortly. This project will then be supported by the Turkish government with 100 million Turkish Lira for the development of series production.

As early as the 1960s, Turkey made an attempt to create its own car brand, at that time under the name Devrim. In his press release, Fikri Isik recalled the project at the time, which was then abandoned after only a few prototypes. With the development of an electric car, a new attempt is now to be made to develop a Turkish car that is consciously based on the future market of electrics.

Automatically replace the battery with a fully charged battery

The Renault plant in Bursa has been working on the Fluence notchback sedan with an electric motor since 2011, and the same model has been available with a conventional combustion engine for several years. The batteries are still the real problem. Despite the quick charge mode that has now been developed, which can be recharged in about 30 minutes, there are still problems, so the quick drop device is more likely to be used there. In this process, the empty battery is automatically exchanged for a full battery at the depot stations. When plugged into an outlet, the battery still takes 4-8 hours to charge.

It will be interesting to see what new ideas will come from Turkey.

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