Delicious Cheese and Dill Muffins

The original of the recipe belongs to Yeşim, she brought the muffins that she made by the mixture of different recipes and they were delicious. I want to thank her for sharing this practical recipe with us. (It seems like my muffins are more delicious :))

250 g cheese (actually, the amount is up to you)

50 g margarine (at room temperature)

1 egg (egg white for dough, yellow for the top)

1 tea cup oil

1 tea cup yoghurt

Dill and parsley

Flour (2 cups for a start)

1 packet baking soda

Sesame and black cumin

Salt (add according to the salt of cheese)

First of all, chop up the washed parsleys and the dill. In a bowl, put the two cups of flour, mix it with baking soda and open its center like a pool. Add the egg white, margarine, oil, yoghurt, cheese, dill and parsley into this place and start to knead.

Keep on adding to flour and kneading until it becomes as thick as an ear lobe.  Spit salt according to the salt of cheese, I suggest that you use sea or rock salt, which is healthier when it is crunched.

When the dough is ready, shape it how you want and put on the parchment-lined baking sheet. By the way, set the oven to 180 degrees and do not wait for heating when the muffins are ready to bake.

With a thin and soft brush overlay the egg yolk, by this way, when the muffins are ready, sesames and black cumins do not spill and that gives the muffins a nice color.

Now, put the baking sheet in the preheated oven and bake approximately 20 minutes. When it is fried and turned into a charming color, take it out from the oven and leave it for cooling.



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