Pinot Noir chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream

Who does not realize that, a nice evening with a glass of wine and then the next day small rest in the bottle, too little for a coming pleasure, but too much to dispose it.

There are some classics of "waste disposal" for wine remains, such as the use of wine residues for sauces, the so-called "Welfenspeise", the Italian risotto, cold peels or wine creams. In addition, wonderful food can be conjured up from wine remains.

Recipes to use red wine remains

Not long ago, a reader sent us a recipe for a fruity white wine jelly, which she had put on with vanilla, lemon, grapes and raspberries. Another reader added two tablespoons of red wine to 100 grams of her coarse fleur de sels, then dried them in the oven and later seasoned their grilled entrecôtes with the pink salt. So there are great recipes in which wine remains are mixed with doughs for frying. It is clear that wine goes well with sweet as well as with salty foods.

Now we have received the recipe for a cake from our reader Laura, which we could try during a visit with her before and had tasted so wonderful, even if the amount of wine required for this is a bit larger than a leftover of the wine bottle, because you need 250 ml of red wine.

Instructions to prepare Pinot Noir Chocolate Cake

b_450_450_16777215_00_images_leben_kulinarisches_rotweintorte-1.jpgSo follow the instructions: Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. Slit the vanilla pod, scrape out the pith. Melt the butter and the chocolate. Beat the eggs with the sugar until frothy. Gradually add the butter and chocolate. Add the wine and the vanilla pulp. Sift flour, cocoa powder, cinnamon and baking powder, stir in the syrup. Put the dough in a buttered and sugared springform pan and bake in the oven at 160 degrees for about 50 minutes. Allow to cool and remove from the mold. Sprinkle the cake with some powdered sugar and arrange with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Garnish with redcurrants and mint. Hmm it is delicious!

250 ml of red wine, z. B. Pinot Noir
150 g chocolate or couverture
1 vanilla pod
250 g butter
4 eggs
250 g brown sugar
250 g flour
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon Baking powder
½-1 tsp elderflower syrup
4 scoops of vanilla ice cream
Currants, at will
fresh mint, at will
Butter and sugar for the mold
powdered sugar

Please read as well:

Melomakarona - Greek Christmas Cake at Zampetas
Tortilla with peeled potatoes and peppers


Life | Outdoors
