Hairdresser and Barber - massage included

As a male visitor to Turkey you should also, during your stay, visit a hair dresser, whether it is necessary or not. In Turkey, men do not go to the hairdresser just because they need a haircut. Apart from the washing, cutting and drying of your hair, you normally get an extremely relaxing massage of your head and your shoulders. 

You will be prepared for the whole procedure by first being covered with warm towels, then nice smelling liquids will be used and at the end, creams or other hair products will be used based on your own hair style and your own particular wishes.

You should set aside some time for this visit because this service is really pleasant and relaxing. Even if you do not need to have your hair cut, you should go just for a shave. You will be provided with the same level of service and it will be one of the most memorable events of your holiday. Turkish men enjoy this experience daily.

Of course, the female visitor to Turkey can enjoy a similar experience. Apart from the small barber shops at almost every corner, there are plenty of well-equipped hairdressers with well-trained staff all around which know about the latest styles, all the methods of colouring, all different hair styles and additional hair pieces. Lots of well known European products and brands are also well known here and you will easily find them at your hairdresser.

Because of increasing prices everywhere it isn´t as cheap as it used to be, but if you are really interested, ask for the price and maybe find special offers as well.

Please read as well:

Traditional Hamam - the Turkish Bath

Sheltered homes - a solution for residents



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