Kite- and windsurfing in the bay of Rewa
- Written by Portal Editor
Everywhere in Poland, where there are sailing centers, you can also do windsurfing or kite surfing as a holidaymaker, so the great Masurian Lakes are just as well known and popular as the western coast of the Baltic Sea.
The southern and northern edges of Wolin Island also offer good conditions for windsurfing. The Putziger Bay is even considered the most popular area for surfers. The bay is separated from the sea by the 34 km long Hel peninsula, so Putziger Bay has an area of 104 square kilometers and is very shallow and sandy. Due to the protection of the peninsula, there are hardly any waves there and mostly very good winds for surfing, so that even semi-professional surfers get their money's worth.
Speed, freestyle and bump & jump in front of Rewa
In addition to the Hel peninsula, the small seaside resort of Rewa is probably the most popular spot for kite- and windsurfing in Poland. The 1 km long and only 20 m wide peninsula, better sandbank, in front of Rewa always offers a mirror-smooth side on the leeward side and one with a chop on the windward side. In addition, prevailing west and east winds blow comfortably constant, just in SW-S it gets really gusty sometimes. Overall, a perfect training area, regardless of whether you are into speed, freestyle or bump & jump in choppy water. However, in this regard, Rewa is no longer an unknown place, on the contrary, it is always jam-packed, with regular events, parties and championships. Experienced pilots can switch to the sandbank located four kilometers to the northeast, which stretches across the bay to almost Hel.
Buy or rent equipment
For the experienced professional there is certainly no question about the equipment, of course they have all the equipment. Rewa also catered for beginners and students, because there are some surf schools that of course also offer equipment for hire. If during the lessons the pupils have been successfully learned and the fun of surfing with the kite has been maintained, the equipment can still be bought. It consists of at least one board, the kite, the bar with lines and the trapeze, and with tube kites it is also possible to inflate the kite. A double stroke pump is usually used here.
The biggest differences in equipment in terms of design and size are found in the board, the bar and the kite. Here the equipment can be adapted to the body weight and skill level of the surfer as well as to different weather conditions, here mainly the wind strength.Until about 2001, directional boards, similar to windsurfing boards, were the dominant type of board in kitesurfing. From then on, twin tips similar to wakeboards became more popular.
A distinction is made between different types of boards: Currently mainly twin tips (TT; more rarely bidirectionals, or bidies for short) and directional boards and foil boards. In contrast to surfboards, all board variants have less buoyancy when surfing. This is just created hydrodynamically by driving over the water. This also explains the smaller dimensions of the boards, which vary between 120 and 165 cm in length and around 26 to 52 cm in width depending on skill level, wind strength, body weight and kite size. There have been great leaps in development since kitesurfing began. Meanwhile, twin tips are widespread on the market and are used by many kite surfers and most kite surfing schools.
With Twin Tips, the power transmission of the steering movement of the feet to the board is normally carried out via foot straps. But firm bonds are also used. Other boards such as directional boards are also used without ties or loops.
Enjoy wind surfing in Rewa.
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