Theme inflatable tents: now also as a roof tent

There are trends and innovations in all areas of leisure activities, which became particularly apparent at the relevant trade fairs such as the CMT in Stuttgart or the abf in Hanover.

There are also these trends in tents and awnings. Sometimes such a trend only refers to the use of shapes and colors, but recently there is also a trend reversal in the 2construction" systems. Several years ago we saw the first pop-up tents, which were often referred to as throwing tents. You just throw it in the air and the tent will open automatically. Often there were, however, folding problems with the somewhat unruly fiberglass rods. Meanwhile, the trend towards less effort follows, however, a new direction, the very easy to handle, inflatable tents and awnings. What is part wise so much facilitating, we are happy to explain.

Inflatable - the tent without poles

b_450_450_16777215_00_images_roemer_strassen_dachzelt-luft-1.jpgOnce you know how to build a tent that constructively contains poles, it's actually not that difficult to build a pole tent. However, those who are only once a year busy with the structure, often forget the order and joining of the linkage. Also, the structure alone, without a second helper, is often hardly possible. If you are less skilled then an inflatable tent is a really opportune solution. You do not have to worry about missing or bent bars, because they do not occur anymore!

In an inflatable tent all supporting and stiffening rods are replaced by air hoses. The air chambers are inflated with the supplied hand pump or with a special 12-volt compressor, which is connected to the cigarette lighter in the car. The air chambers are very strong due to their material and much more flexible compared to fiberglass rods, as they adapt to the wind without kinking in the storm completely. And if an air chamber should ever leak, then the inner hose can be repaired like a bicycle hose.

The construction and dismantling is sensationally easy

The biggest advantage of an inflatable tent is the ease of assembly and disassembly. Where you need a minimum of 2 people to set up a 'normal' tent, you can easily set up an inflatable tent in no time, as the tent will automatically set up as soon as the air tube fills.
Most inflatable tents are equipped with separate air chambers. They inflate the air chambers separately using valves known from inflatable boats.
The often circumferential, constructive single-chamber air hose system in the air tents can be pumped up quickly with only one blow-up point! And just as quickly empty again, because the highly flexible inner tube also pushes the air out of the system again.

Now also as roof tent by GentleTent - inflatable!

b_450_450_16777215_00_images_roemer_strassen_dachzelt-luft-2.jpgWe were really excited about the inflatable roof tent by GentleTent from Vienna, which at just 25 kg is one of the lightest roof tents and with only one square meter of floor space is also suitable for every vehicle type. After opening the zipper, the base mat is unfolded, which is inflated with 0.8 bar pressure and forms the stable bottom of the roof tent, which is enlarged to about 2.2 x 1.4 meters area. Thus, this basic concept provides enough space for 2 people. After inflation of the floor mat, the transfer of the air pump takes place in the circulation hose of the roof tent, which then already sets up with the filling. Here only 0.2 bar pressure is necessary. The installation of the supplied telescopic ladder to the required height then allows easy access to the roof tent and the support of the base mat in their roof overhang.

The roof overhang, which is clearly visible in the pictures, not only provides weather protection when entering the tent, but can also be provided with additional tarpaulins, so that a complete stem is created to the ground. It is also possible to put on and take off the clothes while standing.
Again, the constructive tent tube adapts to the wind, but always straightens up by itself. Of course, the tent can be additionally braced, if the wind should be too strong. Impressively simple in construction and use with very low roof load. Did we arouse your interest? You have experience with the roof tent? Please log on to

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