Ayvalik - Devils Dancing Floor Seytan Sofrasi

Another quite popular destination is the Devil's Table, Seytan Sofrasi, which is halfway between Ayvalık and Sarimsakli.

Up here on the rock, which can be reached via a curvy but good road, one has the best view on the bay of Ayvalık with its many small islands. According to local mythology, the devil is said to have gathered to venture a little dance in the past. It left its "feet" deep impressions in the rock, holding the Devil's Footprints.

And as always, man is willing to take care of such mythologies and to use the spot accordingly. Everywhere at devils dance floor you can find places were people fixed desired bands, here predominantly in white, to fulfilling their wishes and hope get by the help of mythology.

Far in the distance one can see the island of Lesbos. Who will be able taking the time and will come here in the evening for the sunset, the experience will be unforgettable spectacle. Toss a coin in a slot and the Devil met them one wish, at least they can once see the fires of hell in the form of a gorgeous sunset in the late afternoon.

Please read as well:

Ayvalik - a developing Tourism center in Balikesir / Turkey

Balikesir - between Marmara and Aegean Resorts



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