Patrick Andre – Turkish Record of 262 Kilometer!

It was not a coincidence when I could beat Turkish Record with about 262 Kilometers in June 2010. Indeed, I fly since 20 years and my years of experience was a big part of this success.

Because a long distance flight requires of course strategic preparation, but also tactical choices.

Sometimes I have to take a decision in only a few seconds and this decision can be the key of the flight!

Thanks to Murat Cakmak I discovered the excellent Karadag take off near Karaman during the XCTurkey 2010. My dream was to fly above Cappadocia and its legendary landscapes.
My dream came true! But with 4,700 meters of maximal height I was so high that I couldn't see a lot! I landed about 30 kilometres North West of Kayseri.

What is motivating me in paragliding flying, is to discover new landscapes and especially aesthetic research. It's after 6 years competition in French national championship and a PWC world cup that I was able to understand this. Logically I felt into XC flying and especially free distance. I also worked as a paragliding teacher for 11 years, in the French Alps and in the Vosges Mountains near my hometown, Strasbourg, in France.

After this record, Murat asked me to be a part of XCTurkey. I accepted with pleasure because we share the same philosophy and the XC potential is huge here in Turkey!

For example we are opening new take offs in Mut for XCTurkey 2011. In this way I share more and more time with my Turkish friends...    

For my greatest pleasure!

Please read as well:

Beysehir - Second phase of XC Turkey Tour

Gunther Lawer - Paraglider und Tour Guide


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