Household Imports to Turkey for new Settlers

Import of household goods to Turkey by foreigners

For reasons of work, research or study
European people who come to Turkey for work, research or study for at least two years are allowed to bring their used household goods in after leaving a deposit of money at the customs. After all contracts of work, research or study are finished, all household goods must leave Turkey again.

After getting Turkish citizenship
Foreign people settling in Turkey can bring their used private household goods in without any time limit. To do this, you first need to get permission for your stay (ikamet) from the local authorities. After that the local governor needs to ask permission from the Home Secretary for you to settle in Turkey. After all this is done, your private household goods can be brought into Turkey.

Please read as well:

Portrait of Vural Öger - A German with a Turkish Heart
Icy cold Brocken - Hiking the Blocksberg


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