Embassy and Consulate - best address for information

British or Irish Citizens who are not staying in Turkey for more than three months need their passport for entry into Turkey. In addition, they will need to purchase a visa, currently costing £10 sterling. If you need more detailed information:

Turkish Embassy in London
43 Belgrave Square, London SWIX, 8 PA
Telephone :  020 73 93 02 02
Fax : 020 75 91 69 11
You can also get information from:
The Consulate General for the Republic of Turkey
Rutland Lodge, Rutland Gardens, Knightsbridge
London SW 7 1 BW
Telephone :  020 75 91 69 00
Fax : 020 75 91 69 11

Embassy of Turkey in Dublin
11 Clyde Road Ballsbridge Dublin 4. Ireland
Telefon:+353 1 668 52 40
Faks:+353 1 668 50 14

E-Posta: embassy.dublin@mfa.gov.tr

Offices for traveller information in Turkey are marked with a big green signpost and a white 'i' on it. Most of the bigger towns have such offices (opening hours are from 08.00 to 12.00 and from 13.30 to 17.00).
You may also contact your Embassy over here:

When phoning from abroad, dont forget to dial the country code for Turkey +90, leaving out the 0 before the town code:

The British Embassy in Turkey UK in Turkey
Address: Şehit Ersan Caddesi 46/A Çankaya, Ankara
Switchboard: 0312 455 3344
Phone: 0312 455 3344
Fax: 0312 455 33 52

Website: http://ukinturkey.fco.gov.uk/en 

Embassy of Ireland in Turkey
Address: Ugur Mumcu Caddesi No.88 MNG Binasi B Blok Kat 3 Gaziosmanpasa Ankara 06700
Tel: +90-312-459 1000 
Fax: +90 312 446 8061

Office Hours: Monday to Friday 09.30-13.00, 14.00-17.00*
*For certificates de coutume, and other consular business, it is necessary to make an appointment in advance

Website: www.embassyofireland.org.tr

Embassy of the United States Ankara, Turkey

110 Atatürk Blvd. Kavaklıdere, 06100 Ankara - Turkey
Phone: (90-312) 455-5555
Fax: (90-312) 467-0019

Website: turkey.usembassy.gov

Embassy of Australia in Turkey
Address: MNG Building Ugur Mumcu Caddesi No: 88, 7th Floor Gaziosmanpasa 06700 Ankara
Embassy telephone and facsimile numbers
Switchboard DFAT (90-312) 459 9500
Switchboard DIAC (90-312) 459 9550 (Visas)
Facsimile - DFAT (90-312) 446 4827
Facsimile - DIAC (90-312) 459 9560 (Visas)

Website: www.turkey.embassy.gov.au

Please read as well:

Cars and Vehicles - Buying is easy now in Turkey
Customs and Entry regulations in Turkey


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