The basic corporate law of Türkiye

Foreign persons are allowed to establish either a joint stock company or a limited liability company in Turkey under the provisions of the Foreign Capital Promotion Law to invest directly in Turkey. Therefore, general basics about these two companies are explained under this title.

Anonim Sirket - joint stock company

handelsgesellschaft 03The stock corporation (AG) is a company with its own trading company and its own share capital, which is divided into shares; it is liable for its liabilities with its business assets. The liability of the share-holders is limited to the capital shares they have taken over.

AGs can be founded for all commercial purposes that are not prohibited by law. However, the purpose of the company's founding must be clearly and openly limited in the statutes.

The minimum amount of share capital of an AG is 5,000 TL. Special laws such as the Banking Act and the Capital Market Act prescribe higher share capital for special types of joint stock companies. The establishment of a joint stock company requires the approval of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The activities of the AG according to the Trade Act are controlled by the inspectors of the Ministry of Industry and Trade within the framework of a state-approved government regulation. Supervision includes accounting principles.

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