Uludag - National Park next to Bursa!

The nature reserve of the National Park next to Bursa stretches all along the southern slopes of the Ulu Dag Mountains next to Bursa. Depending on the height of between 500 and 2500 metres, there are 4 different types of vegetation.Read More

From zero up to 600 metres high, it is known as the Mediterranean level, where you will find plants like the stone-oak tree, lavender and strawberry plants. Between 600 and 1200 metres, you will reach the higher Mediterranean level with hazelnut bushes and lime, beech and oak trees. Between 900 and 1800 metres, the ‘mountain’ level starts, with lot of firs and pines. Higher than 1800 metres, the meadows of the sub-alpine level start, which is where the ski resorts of the National Park are situated.

The road leading through the National Park passes lavender and juniper bushes and follows small creeks and waterfalls all the way through the different levels of the forest. Hidden in the pines you will find the Syrian woodpecker, the sub-alpine warbler and different birds of prey. The dense forest of conifers and coniferous trees offers space for a large number of different animals, such as red deer, wild boars and occasionally bears and wolves.


During the spring you can smell the hyacinths and see millions of orchids. Thousands of different insects live in the National Park, some of them native to this part of Turkey and nowhere else in Europe. During the summer time there are always lots of researchers from all over the world studying them.

Why not take a trip to the National Park at Ulu Dag?

Please read as well:

Bursa at Uludag Mountain - a short History

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Life | Outdoors
