Our Trip to Istanbul - Dolmabahçe Palace

İstanbul is the biggest city in Turkey and the most popular due to its geographical location. To the south stretches the Marmara Sea, strewn with islands, and to the north is the Black Sea.

The western part of the city is in Europe and the eastern part is in Asia. The important stretch of water dividing the town in two is the Bosphorus.

We stayed at the home of one of our friends in the European part on Barbaros Boulevard in Besiktas. It is a good place to stay because it is close to some places worth seeing. First of all, there is the beautiful 19th century Dolmabahçe Palace, built by Sultan Abdulmecid, situated right by the Bosphorus on the waterfront. The Palace reflects the more modern style of the Ottomans. The Sultans moved to this Palace after its construction was finished and did not go back to the Topkapı Palace.

The word “Dolmabahçe” means “The Filled Garden” in English, so called because it is built on a reclaimed area formed by filling up the sea. The inside of the Palace can be visited every day except Mondays and Tuesdays.

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