Kargıhan Caravansary under inspection of Kaimakam

What a coincidence – while arriving at Kargıhan Caravansary from ancient city of Etenna together with Author Wolfgang Dorn we met Kaimakam Mr Hacı İbrahim Türkoglu from Manavgat together with his staff and couple of mayors from neighbouring towns to inspect Kargıhan Caravansary for later restoration and for small picnic at the complex.

Kargıhan Caravansary was built between 1236-1246 by the Sultan Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev II as a hostel place for merchants on their trade routes between Antalya and Konya. Trade caravans were able to find protection from being robbed stored their goods and cared for their animals at places like this. Due to its thick secure exterior walls, which still are in a very good condition, merchants have been able to rest from their exerting travels; even hamam for relaxation was available. In comparison to other Caravansary’s, Kargıhan is an amazing complex with huge inside space and couple of rooms for the merchants, their animals and the staff. Next to the building a lovely small river is passing by and together with the natural forest around the whole spot is quite visible this hopefully can be kept after restoration.


Life | Outdoors
