Gunther Lawer - Paraglider and Tour Guide

I'm flying paragliders since 1996. I was hooked from the moment when my feet lost contact to the ground for the first view seconds - I was flying!

Flying is part of my life ever since.

Once being licensed I also started to fly smaller XCs.
Later I made my tandem license - just to be able to share with my friends what my words were not able to describe - the sensation and fascination of flying.
With more light equipment being available during the past years hike&fly tours became one of my favourites.
Since 2007 I'm also working as a DHV-licensed paragliding instructor in my free time as well as conducting tours.
After some years of not flying competition I went back to regional comps in 2009. I qualified for the German league 2010. Classic competition flying was always kind of my personal XC-clinic - flying a sport class (EN-C) wing one is anyway kind of hopeless in competing against the current comp-wing performance. I was more focussed on reaching goal then being real fast.

Looking at this made me think about trying something in XC-Open style. Looking for events I stumbled across XC-Turkey - and found it to be the perfect match to my intention:
- XCTurkey style
- taking place in a region with fascinating culture and landscape
- a real cool combination between flying, meeting pilots and cultural tours

While doing paragling trips all over the world I always found, that cultural aspects got a bit neglected and this is where I like the XC-Turkey approach very much.
Looking forward to having a splendid time at Karaman and Mut!

Best regards



Life | Outdoors
