Canyoning as well called Schluchteln

Canyoying is a new and exciting outdoor activity. By Canyoning (also called Schluchteln or Schluchting) you can understand committing a gulch from above to down (in the early time of the sport canyonings from below upwards) in the most different variations.

By roping, climbing, jumping, children's slides, swimming and sometimes even diving you may reach the gulches ending, hopefully in suitable equipment. As an adventure sport Canyoning sets up about two decades ago in Spain and the South of France. During the last years the breakthrough also followed in the northern parts of Europe.

In the USA Canyoning is known rather than a Canyoneering. It came over there by European influence in the end of the 1990s like a huge push. The descents are made wearing wet suits and carrying waterproof packs and containers. The agency offering canyoning conforms to international standards of safety and uses only the best materials. All you need is a head for heights, the ability to swim and a taste of adventure.

Beside the sporty charm of the adventure above all the physical experience is to be seen at first. With this sportive team spirit and the mutual trust plays an important role.

Of course the environment protection and nature conservation may not be forgotten. Some ecological scientists criticize Canyoning, because of exploiting the nature in regions very much where normally a person would never reach. Particularly the widespread commercial marketing for the tourism leads to problems. Indeed, it is to be considered with the fact that canyons absolutely show a sort of disaster areas. Since these are partially changed several times in year by high water far more, than by the influence of the people who run down these gulches. With a lot of Schluchtingtours, primarily, the common physical experience is in to be seen in first position.


Life | Outdoors
