
The Crusades 1095-1291 in the Middle East

The Crusades 1095-1291 in the Middle East

Whenever the word "Crusades" is used in the modern 21st century, whether in the media or by high-ranking political leaders, it always has great political significance and a profound impact on human interaction, even though the actual namesakes of the...

  1. Culture
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Franziska Maderthaner - exhibition in the Rothamel Gallery

Franziska Madert…

Franziska Maderthaner interweaves representational...

Guest performance by Tiyatro Tempo in Antalya

Guest performanc…

As part of the series of events “50 years of the...

Kahla - Porcelain for everyone from the center of Porcelain

Kahla - Porcelai…

After the first visit of the city center of Jena, ...

From David Bowie to quantum physics: Manga-Comic-Con 2025

From David Bowie…

In 5 weeks the time has come, and the most colorfu...

The Crusades 1095-1291 in the Middle East

The Crusades 1095-12…

Whenever the word "Crusades" is used in the modern...

Franziska Maderthaner - exhibition in the Rothamel Gallery

Franziska Maderthane…

Franziska Maderthaner interweaves representational...

Guest performance by Tiyatro Tempo in Antalya

Guest performance by…

As part of the series of events “50 years of the...

Kahla - Porcelain for everyone from the center of Porcelain

Kahla - Porcelain fo…

After the first visit of the city center of Jena, ...

Saicur's debut album,

Saicur's debut album…

She is the first artist who created an anthem for ...

International Street Art Music Festival at Residential Palace

International Street…

The Residential Palace in Ludwigsburg is a truly i...

Busking – a little stopover at the port of Marseille

Busking – a little…

As in many cities, street music in Marseille re-es...

Saicur - a soundtrack against the absurd behavior

Saicur - a soundtrac…

SAICUR presents a soundtrack against the absurd be...

Mistletoe - Sandalwood plants and their mythological background

Mistletoe - Sandalwo…

Who does not know them, the characters from the As...

St. Nicholas Church Rostock - Rostock Bosai Days 2024

St. Nicholas Church …

It is often just coincidences that cross our path ...

Hiking - Giant Parasol Mushroom at Lake Garder

Hiking - Giant Paras…

With the end of the summer camping fun and our mov...

Beach grass - a native plant of particular use

Beach grass - a nati…

The mudflat hike to the bird sanctuary island of M...

Bouillabaisse - a Provencal fish dish in Marseille

Bouillabaisse - a Pr…

Our days in Marseille were coming to an end and we...

Porcini mushrooms - a food specialty from the forest

Porcini mushrooms - …

Our walks or rather hikes in the region around Lak...

Honey cake everywhere - an interesting variation from Holland

Honey cake everywher…

Honey is considered a healthy, aromatic sweetener ...

Fresh fish from the fish market at Güzelbahçe

Fresh fish from the …

We were on our way to the Turkish metropolis of Iz...

Bicycle-Travelling & E-Bike-Camping

The bike path along the Unstrut - Memleben monastery


The bike path along the Unst…

We were cycling along the Unstrut river, where we came across the small town of ...

Trip around Geiseltalsee - 26 kilometres of asphalt cycle path


Trip around Geiseltalsee - 2…

We had already covered part of the way around the Geiseltalsee on foot, now we h...

With the e-bike to the unicorn cave near Scharzfeld


Riding the e-bike to the Uni…

Today is supposed to be the day, because our goal is the unicorn cave near Schar...

Germany - Austria - Switzerland - Italy - Great Britain - France - Netherlands

Spaarndam - the eternal battle with the water

Spaarndam - the eternal battle with the water

22-08-2023 | Hits:2509

Sure, Holland is a relatively flat country, with large parts of the land area ev...

Palace Heidecksburg in Rudolfstadt - a day's excursion

Palace Heidecksburg in Rudolstadt - a day's excurs…

23-09-2017 | Hits:5201

Our host, the campground "Unter den Jenzig" had mentioned some places of in...

Aquileia – youngsters learning to ring the bells

Aquileia – youngsters learning to ring the bells

30-12-2018 | Hits:25580

Actually, it was just plain coincidence that brought us into contact with an eve...

Amazonia in the Panometer of Dresden – Yadegar Asisi

Amazonia in the Panometer of Dresden – Yadegar A…

01-02-2024 | Hits:3300

The Panometer of Dresden, where the panoramic picture “Amazon” by Yadegar As...

Albania - North Macedonia - Greece - Turkey - Cyprus

Bus Trip in Turkey

Cheaper way to travel - Bus Trips in Turkey

23-12-2013 | Hits:6338

Once arrived in Turkey the question how to reach another town or place may appea...

When the sun is saying - enough for today in Perea

When the sun is saying - enough for today in Perea

13-08-2018 | Hits:5639

Several times, when leaving Camperstop Zampetas for Perea, we had been walking a...

Ohrid - lovely city hike with Marta and Luis

Ohrid - lovely city hike with Marta and Luis

16-11-2023 | Hits:38005

What we really love within Camping, is meeting with people from different countr...

Arrival in Struga on Lake Ohrid under a cloudless sky

Arrival in Struga on Lake Ohrid under a cloudless …

21-11-2023 | Hits:69977

We set off from Thessaloniki in the morning to drive the 280 kilometres to Lake ...

Serbia - Hungary - Czech Republic - Slovenia - Croatia - Poland

Hungary - From the capture of the Magyars to today

Hungary - From the capture of the Magyars to today

26-01-2018 | Hits:4149

This year, Hungary was partner country of the CMT in Stuttgart and as our Centra...

Mostar - a city in the course of history

Mostar - a city in the course of history

07-05-2021 | Hits:6139

Our visit with the extended tour of the Stari most bridge was so impressive that...

Diocletian's Palace in Asphalatos, then Spalato and today Split

Diocletian's Palace in Asphalatos, then Spalato an…

07-10-2023 | Hits:2672

Early the next morning we drove into Split with Robi, because we were finally go...

Karlovy Vary thermal springs - historical development

Karlovy Vary thermal springs - historical developm…

26-02-2023 | Hits:5067

The healing properties of Karlovy Vary's thermal springs were well known as earl...


Life | Outdoors
