Firewood from the forest: Why it can be a crime

We often go for walks in the surrounding forests, especially during the winter months, and are always amazed by the vast amounts of deadwood in the forests.

Whether these quantities contribute to the preservation of the ecosystem remains questionable, to say the least.

Deadwood is important for the ecosystem

feuer holz 03Of course, wood lying around is important for the preservation of the forest ecosystem, because when so-called deadwood rots on the forest floor, it not only creates habitat for insects and mammals, but also adds nutrients to the forest floor.

"Deadwood is a very important factor in our biological pest control," says Bernd-Peter Räpple, forestry officer in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. "The more deadwood we have, the more antagonists breed there, which feed on bark beetles, for example." Anyone who believes that deadwood is actually dead is completely crazy. "It's full of life, fungi, and microorganisms, and has a very high ecological aspect, which we need for the health of our forests."

So far, so good, and certainly correct. But the question of quantities remains open, because isn't the resulting immensely growing population of microorganisms and fungi hardly sustainable for our already severely damaged forests?

High energy prices make wood collecting attractive

feuer holz 02According to a report by Tagesschau, which pointed out that wood collecting is a criminal offense, it was explicitly pointed out that even dry wood lying on the ground may not be collected and taken away.

Precisely because of the high energy prices, firewood is currently in high demand.

Some people are self-sufficient in obtaining wood from the forest. What serious consequences can this have?

feuer holz 01A phenomenon? Hardly! After the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and the subsequent energy crisis, wood heating experienced a renaissance in Germany.

But the high demand caused the price of firewood to rise sharply in the following winter.

In 2024, firewood prices will be significantly cheaper than two years ago, but according to the Federal Statistical Office, they are still at a much higher level than before the crisis.

The temptation to cut wood for heating in the forest is therefore great. Because what not everyone knows is that the wood, including the gate wood, belongs to the forest owners.

Wood theft can result in fines and imprisonment.

feuer holz 05Gero Hütte, head of the department at Wald und Holz NRW (Forest and Wood North Rhine-Westphalia), explained according to Tagesschau that it is theft and therefore a criminal offense to illegally take wood from the forest or even cut down trees.

"This can be punished with heavy fines and, in special cases, even imprisonment," said Hütte-von Essen.

Jan Budde, spokesperson for the Ministry of the Environment in Mainz, points out that even taking small quantities is prohibited: "Wood should not be treated like mushrooms or berries."

Collecting these in small household quantities – for one meal – is permitted. "However, this does not apply to wood," said Budde.

feuer holz 04This is how most federal states operate, but not all. In Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, and Thuringia, the collection of small amounts of deadwood for personal use is permitted.

Deadwood is dry wood that has fallen to the ground on its own and is not intended for sale.

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, only deadwood with a diameter of less than 10 centimetres may be collected; the other states do not specify a precise maximum thickness.

Using GPS Trackers to Combat Collected Firewood

feuer holz 07Last winter, forestry authorities and private forest owners responded to the increasing wood theft with GPS technology and more controls. Transponders, so-called forest trackers, hidden in the pile, immediately report when unauthorized persons tamper with the firewood. The signal can also be tracked abroad and for days and weeks.

There used to be easy-to-obtain collection permits, which are still available in some federal states. So, in conclusion: please clarify with the responsible forestry authority first, only then collect!

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