BTurtle: Travel Freedom BT Voyage e-bike camping

We have had a number of occasions on using and reporting about the mini-caravan for the bike, in other words for the BTurtle, had some opportunities throughout Europe for testing and trying, each time with increasing enthusiasm.

So we are particularly pleased that we today can point out the system of rental stations along many well-known bike paths, of course there is also a special reason for this: In the special category Start-up Star, the BTurtle and with it the new Travel profile "Travel Freedom with BT Voyage and e-bike camping" became honored with the first prize in the field of innovation a few days ago.

The Mercur Innovation Prize has been awarded annually since 1987 to the most innovative companies in Vienna. The long-standing history has already produced a total of 180 winners. Traditionally, the prize has always been awarded in those categories that reflect the strengths of the Viennese economy. At the Innovation Prize, all Viennese companies can submit both product and process innovations.

Innovation Award with over 30 years of tradition

The only prerequisite is that the submitted projects are either already on the market or economic recovery is imminent and / or demonstrably imminent. The MERCUR is the innovation award of the federal town of Vienna and is the precursor for the "State Prize Innovation". According to the statutes of this award, WKW sends the most suitable projects to this competition.

Special category Start-up Star - the BTurtle

From the rapid development of e-mobility as well as the global debate about the climate crisis, the concept of a micro-caravan emerged in 2012 as a bicycle trailer for e-bike travel. This inflatable micro caravan is housed in a compact 29 kg lightweight bike trailer. This micro caravan can be transformed into a cozy 2-person sleeping tent in a few minutes. The removable tent construction makes the trailer as a load tag usable in everyday use.

Please read as well:

Short holiday trip to Arnhem - with the BTurtle on the way
Staranzano - Bike Tour Nature Reserve Foce dell Isonzo


Life | Outdoors
