Station 39 Camping Site “Zasavica” at Zasavica Reserve

Camping site “Zasavica” is located in the heart of untouched, preserved nature, 12 km south of Belgrade-Zagreb, E-70 highway, 80 km west of Belgrade and 62 km south of Novi Sad.

The campsite is reached when you leave the highway for Sremska Mitrovica, then you go left after the tollgate till you reach the roundabout at which you should continue straight, then across the bridge on the Sava River towards Macvanska Mitrovica. At the T-junction, you should go right towards Macvanska Mitrovica and then continue to the village Zasavica II. At the end of the village you should turn left to the camp. The camping site is marked by 12m² signposts at all problematic points and intersections.

b_450_450_16777215_00_images_camper-route_zasavica-1.jpgCamping site “Zasavica” is one of the youngest, but also one of the most modern and best-equipped camping sites in Serbia, with a capacity of 42 motorhome (caravan) pitches. The camping site is ideal for nature lovers as it is located close to the Special Nature Reserve Zasavica, where the reserve can be visited by boat, pedestrian tours, individually or in guided groups.

The Special Nature Reserve Zasavica is a heaven for many and various plants (water lilies, mushrooms) and animals (beavers, otters, swans, fish), known for its clear waters. One exclusivity is that you can find here old races of genetic resources in Serbia, namely: Mangulica-Srem black lasa, Prairie ox and Balkan donkey. The reserve also has a donkey dairy farm. If requested, the camping site organizes visits to Sremska Mitrovica and the ancient Roman city of Sirmium, monasteries of Fruska Gora, Novi Sad and Belgrade.

b_450_450_16777215_00_images_camper-route_zasavica-2.jpgCamping site has following infrastructure facilities:

toilet facilities 12 units (10 regular + 1 handicapped + 1 chemical)
showers (4 units +  1 handicapped)
dish washing room with 4 wash basin with hot water
outdoor showers and washing sinks
electrical connections 16A (44 units on 42 places)
drinking water connectors (44 units)
3 recycle containers (paper, pet, other)
solar power collectors (10 units)
1 washing + 1 drying machine
1 refrigerator
2 hair dryers

The Camping site is close to Special Nature Reserve, this various sport and leisure activities are available.

Winter location

With a beautiful view on the visitor center and the river Zasavica, on the winter location there are water and power connection and a separate sanitary block.

What to do around:

Sirmium - today Sremska Mitrovica in Serbia
Sremska Mitrovica - from the perspective of an architect
Sremska Mitrovica - unexpected bath at the river Sava
Puzta cattle and the Natural Park Zasavica

Follow also the

Next arrival in the south, also to the Belgrade exploration: Station 38 - Camping Center Belgrade

In the south to the Camping Center Belgrade there are 74 kilometers of well-developed motorway with low tolls.

To the city exploration Budapest in the northeast: Station 41 Camping Zuglegeti Niche Budapest

To Budapest for exploration of the city or continue north to Vienna via Vienna it is 348 kilometers, please do not forget the electronic vignette for Hungary.

To explore the city of Ljubljana for the camper stop Prince Square at Visnja Gora: Station 40 - camper stop Prince Square at Visjna Gora

From Camping Zasavica to the Camperstopp Prince Square in Slovenia is 443 kilometers.


mobile phone:+381 63 535 895,

+381 64 644 20 17

How to find us

Link to google map 44.949585, 19.497502


Life | Outdoors
