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From the campsite "Unter dem Jenzig" in Jena (station 45 in the Camper-Route) we had started going the direction to Prague, one of the most famous tourist destinations in Europe, at least in cultural terms, it has received its nickname "Golden City" ...
Of course, we were excited in looking fo…
The UNESCO World Heritage town of Quedli…
Recent excavations at Tepekule Hill near…
The Marubi Museum is pleased to invite y…
The small town of Akköy is located in t…
Today is supposed to be the day, because our goal is the unicorn cave near Schar...
The Danube Cycle Path, which has been heavily frequented for several years, most...
After exploring the Longdendale Trail in sections along the reservoirs and at th...
16-09-2023 | Hits:1726
As part of our project "Comprehension and Cultural Journey along Roman Roads" we...
10-09-2023 | Hits:1941
Anyone who, like us, initially thinks that in Apolda there are only bluebells, w...
15-01-2022 | Hits:2323
We had already been told several times about the circular moat not far from Gose...
27-09-2021 | Hits:2015
In the meantime we had completed our tour of the imposing, roofed and ancient wo...
05-09-2016 | Hits:84374
The first historically known settlers in the area of Elbasan belonged to the eth...
07-11-2016 | Hits:126732
About two hours we had already crossed the mountain valleys and canyons until we...
26-10-2015 | Hits:447784
Once again, there was an interesting and surprising meeting, this time it was a ...
20-02-2024 | Hits:1742
Famagusta - Gazimağusa offers a wonderful opportunity to look and stroll in its...
23-08-2017 | Hits:5425
The former imperial palace, also called Eger Castle, was built before the end of...
11-06-2019 | Hits:16647
Once a major landing place in trade and for fishing, the landing place of the fo...
20-08-2017 | Hits:12337
The first written reference about the town of Cheb in 1061 was made in a documen...
24-02-2018 | Hits:5484
Often we have already driven through Serbia, sometimes together with Dusan from ...