CDU/CSU group against tightening control of Internet

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  • Category: Actual Cultural News
  • Hits: 353
CDU/CSU group against tightening control of  Internet

The law to tighten control over the Internet, which has just been passed in Turkey and also signed by President Gül, is being accompanied not only domestically by renewed, massive protest actions in Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara, but also internationally there has been very strong criticism.

Turkey and Russia - Most Dangerous Places to Surf

Türkei und Russland sind die gefährlichsten Länder um im Internet zu surfen!

A AVG study looks at the safest and most dangerous places to surf the Internet are Turkey, Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan all being the most likely to face threats while online. The data taken from 144 countries, involving over 100 million PCs, key results are as follows:

Civil Disobedience or Terrorists in Gezi Park, Istanbul?

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  • Category: Actual Cultural News
  • Hits: 10603
Civil Disobedience or Terrorists in Gezi Park, Istanbul?

Just as the Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan wanted to add a new project to the previous and ongoing great projects under his government such as Hasan Keyf Dam Project, Allianoi / Bergama Dam, the Black Sea – Marmara Channel (the Plinius Channel), a third airport and a third Bosporus Bridge in Istanbul for the economically developing Turkey,

Online parking fee website to be introduced

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  • Category: Actual Cultural News
  • Hits: 9347
Online-Parkgebühren Prüfwebseite

As in many cities in Turkey, it was recognized in Alanya that all cash-strapped cities can be filled with parking fees for cars in the inner cities very well. Although these regulations sometimes appear annoying for the user, they at least have contributed to a considerable improvement of the situation on the roads in Alanya.

Turkish mogul aims to buy three Greek islands / Fikret İnan

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  • Category: Actual Cultural News
  • Hits: 9107
Turkish mogul aims to buy three Greek islands / Fikret İnan

According to TODAY’S ZAMAN, the chairman of a leading Turkish construction company has said he wants to buy at least three Greek islands the debt-ridden nation plans to sell, in what may be termed a fire sale, because of the latest agreement it made with its international lenders, the European Union and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

A message from Izmir to Van: You Are Not Alone...

The students of İzmir Private Çamlaraltı College, sensitively approaching to the social problems, making the necessary planning for the solution in order to make it happen, have started a social aid campaign after the 7.2 earthquake in order to give a message to their friends in Van; "We’re feeling your feelings; You are not alone".

Dramatic scenes next to the harbour of Antalya

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  • Category: Actual Cultural News
  • Hits: 3782
Dramatic scenes next to the harbour of Antalya

Due to a violent storm and high waves next to the port of Antalya / Kaleici the crew of the Bolivian vessel “Sea Bright” lost the control about the ship which then crashed into the cliffs next to the shore. Because of the storm the crew needed to leave the ship by the help of ropes.

UEFA bans for Fenerbahçe and Beşiktaş

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  • Category: Actual Cultural News
  • Hits: 465
UEFA bans for Fenerbahçe and Beşiktaş

In the truest sense of the word, UEFA has shown the two top Istanbul clubs the red card and banned them from competitive international matches for their fraud pending in court in the 2010/2011 season.

Abderitism - Shield Citizens of Antiquity in Abdera

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  • Category: Definitions
  • Hits: 677
Abderitism - Shield Citizens of Antiquity in Abdera

Our research into the ancient city of Abdera on the Greek Aegean coast showed us how closely the network of settlement was already established before Christ and how trade relations were linked to it.

Greco-Roman - Difference between theatre and amphitheatre

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  • Category: Definitions
  • Hits: 618
Greco-Roman - Difference between theatre and amphitheatre

In our articles we often talk about ancient Roman and Greek theatre buildings that we visited and described as part of our project. However, the names of the buildings sometimes lead to confusion, which is why we would like to make the following terminological clarification and the background to it (in the Picture Theatre in Syria).

Sharia - the Islamic law

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  • Category: Definitions
  • Hits: 579
Sharia - the Islamic law

The word Sharia actually means "path" and in the Koran, where surprisingly it only appears once, means religion in general.

Pasha - a "significant" title in the Ottoman Empire

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  • Category: Definitions
  • Hits: 2131
Pasha - a

During our travels through Turkey we came across the Turkish term "paşa" in many places and on different occasions, sometimes it was the name of a company, sometimes it was a section of a beach (e.g. at Alanya).

Stoa - Scientific teaching building and worldview

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  • Category: Definitions
  • Hits: 1027
Stoa - Scientific teaching building and worldview

In the history of Greek architecture, the term Stoa means a building that is usually located in the center of the city and was used for scientific and philosophical teaching purposes.

Oracle - prophecy or clairvoyance

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  • Category: Definitions
  • Hits: 2026
Oracle - prophecy or clairvoyance

In some of our texts you will find references to places worth visiting that have been designated with the addition of "oracles": Oracle of Didyma, Oracle of Olympia, Oracle of Delphi, Oracle of Klaros, etc. So what is the oracle, which comes from the Latin and could be translated as "Gods saying"?

Gordian knot and Alexander the Great

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  • Category: Definitions
  • Hits: 2649
Gordian knot and Alexander the Great

The term "Gordian knot", which is still used in our modern times as a phrase to solve a problem, comes from ancient Greece. According to mythology, King Gordios of Phrygia is said to have knotted his chariot so artfully and perfectly between the yoke and the drawbar that the connection was considered inseparable.


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