
New bumblebee queens are on the move now

New bumblebee queens are on the move now

For the weekend, meteorologists are predicting temperatures of up to 19 degrees in some regions. For hobby gardeners, that means: off to the garden!

  1. Culture
  2. Outdoor
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  4. Fauna | Flora
  5. Culinary
From David Bowie to quantum physics: Manga-Comic-Con 2025

From David Bowie…

In 5 weeks the time has come, and the most colorfu...

Gladiator - Russel Crowe was shooting in Kayaköy

Gladiator - Russ…

Who is not familiar with the historical film "Glad...

Largest reading festival: Leipzig reads from March 27th to 30th, 2025

Europe's largest…

"Words move Leipzig" - based on this year's motto ...

New Adult fans and the Leipzig Book Fair 2025

New Adult fans a…

New Adult fans will get their money's worth at the...

From David Bowie to quantum physics: Manga-Comic-Con 2025

From David Bowie to …

In 5 weeks the time has come, and the most colorfu...

Gladiator - Russel Crowe was shooting in Kayaköy

Gladiator - Russel C…

Who is not familiar with the historical film "Glad...

Thermal baths of the ancient Romans - example Sardis

Thermal baths of the…

Between the 2nd and 4th centuries AD, the heyday o...

Largest reading festival: Leipzig reads from March 27th to 30th, 2025

Europe's largest rea…

"Words move Leipzig" - based on this year's motto ...

Saicur's debut album,

Saicur's debut album…

She is the first artist who created an anthem for ...

International Street Art Music Festival at Residential Palace

International Street…

The Residential Palace in Ludwigsburg is a truly i...

Busking – a little stopover at the port of Marseille

Busking – a little…

As in many cities, street music in Marseille re-es...

Saicur - a soundtrack against the absurd behavior

Saicur - a soundtrac…

SAICUR presents a soundtrack against the absurd be...

Mistletoe - Sandalwood plants and their mythological background

Mistletoe - Sandalwo…

Who does not know them, the characters from the As...

St. Nicholas Church Rostock - Rostock Bosai Days 2024

St. Nicholas Church …

It is often just coincidences that cross our path ...

Hiking - Giant Parasol Mushroom at Lake Garder

Hiking - Giant Paras…

With the end of the summer camping fun and our mov...

Beach grass - a native plant of particular use

Beach grass - a nati…

The mudflat hike to the bird sanctuary island of M...

Bouillabaisse - a Provencal fish dish in Marseille

Bouillabaisse - a Pr…

Our days in Marseille were coming to an end and we...

Porcini mushrooms - a food specialty from the forest

Porcini mushrooms - …

Our walks or rather hikes in the region around Lak...

Honey cake everywhere - an interesting variation from Holland

Honey cake everywher…

Honey is considered a healthy, aromatic sweetener ...

Fresh fish from the fish market at Güzelbahçe

Fresh fish from the …

We were on our way to the Turkish metropolis of Iz...

Bicycle-Travelling & E-Bike-Camping

Unexpected encounter with a Mango Velomobile


Unexpected encounter with a …

Often there are the unexpected things in the course of the day that lead to an e...

Recumbent trike designed by AZUB - test drives in the Lednice


Recumbent trike designed by …

In our report about the cycling routes in the Lednice region we had already anno...

Ancient town of Olympos


Mountainbike trails at ancie…

We were turning back to the main road between Antalya and Kumluca, as it was eas...

Germany - Austria - Switzerland - Italy - Great Britain - France - Netherlands

Lunch break in Rodgau – what do the Rodgau Monotones do?

Lunch break in Rodgau – what do the Rodgau Monot…

17-11-2022 | Hits:2321

Rodgau is part of the Rhein-Main metropolitan area, one of the economically stro...

Christmas market Hattingen - historic old town as a silhouette

Christmas market Hattingen - historic old town as …

20-12-2019 | Hits:3949

Hattingen's old town with its almost 150 medieval half-timbered houses is a popu...

Leipzig - on the way in the city of the Monday demonstrations

Leipzig - on the way in the city of the Monday dem…

25-06-2022 | Hits:1823

After our extensive visit to the Leipzig Zoo, the large panorama picture "Amazon...

Schulpforte - boarding school for promotion of talented people

Schulpforte - school for promotion of talented peo…

11-06-2021 | Hits:2867

The historical imposing buildings of the "village" Schulpforte had already struc...

Albania - North Macedonia - Greece - Turkey - Cyprus

Rapsani - Camperstop and visit to the wineries

Rapsani - Camperstop and visit to the wineries of …

08-05-2024 | Hits:406422

It is already a few weeks ago that we had met with Nikos in regards to our proje...

The ancient Roman Elbasan - once Scampa at Via Egnatia

The ancient Roman Elbasan - once Scampa at Via Egn…

05-09-2016 | Hits:77477

The first historically known settlers in the area of Elbasan belonged to the eth...

Sea balls on the beach of Durres - in large quantities

Sea balls on the beach of Durres - in large quanti…

11-07-2024 | Hits:10694

During our tour through the city through Durres, we decided to take a stopover o...

When the sun is saying - enough for today in Perea

When the sun is saying - enough for today in Perea

13-08-2018 | Hits:5489

Several times, when leaving Camperstop Zampetas for Perea, we had been walking a...

Serbia - Hungary - Czech Republic - Slovenia - Croatia - Poland

Karlovy Vary thermal springs - historical development

Karlovy Vary thermal springs - historical developm…

26-02-2023 | Hits:4849

The healing properties of Karlovy Vary's thermal springs were well known as earl...

On the way to Vienna - short visit to Györ in Hungary

On the way to Vienna - short visit to Györ in Hun…

21-08-2018 | Hits:8682

Actually, Budapest was again thought of as a stopover of our travel to the Cara...

Sremska Mitrovica - unexpected bath at the River Sava

Sremska Mitrovica - beach area at the River Sava

07-10-2016 | Hits:182288

In search of further stations within the Camper Route, we stopped at the idyllic...

Balaton - Lake Balcsi - more than an intermediate destination

Balaton - Lake Balcsi - not just an intermediate d…

14-03-2018 | Hits:19619

Lake Balaton is located in western Hungary as it is the largest inland lake in E...


Life | Outdoors
