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After the first talks about places of interest in the area, the owner of the campsite "Unter den Jenzig" had also referred to the small town of Kahla, which, in addition to the porcelain manufactory, also had a still completely preserved, medieval ci...
Once again it was time. Our dear friend …
Our visit to Izmir this time was also to…
Besides the historical structures with H…
In our article about the porcelain centr…
Survey shows: In May alone, every drone …
In our report about the cycling routes in the Lednice region we had already anno...
In 2022, Jörg again invited to the meeting of the bicycle caravan fans in Wunsc...
Once again we want to take advantage of the wonderful summer weather for a longe...
11-11-2021 | Hits:3019
Our stay in Kitzingen should also lead to a day trip that Brita and her friend G...
01-11-2022 | Hits:1513
During our hike around the center of Altenau (Altenauer Runde) we came across th...
18-11-2020 | Hits:3729
Autumn sunshine and the desire for exercise, once again the most important reaso...
29-06-2019 | Hits:6197
Climbing has been in for many years. And the hype is continuing - and this is re...
08-09-2018 | Hits:6109
Once again we set off from Camping Rino in Struga in the direction of Pogradec ...
14-11-2016 | Hits:6909
When in 518 an earthquake destroyed the entire city of Skopje, it was a primary ...
27-09-2022 | Hits:1445
After a restful, quiet night in the small inn of Mitilini, after breakfast we he...
29-11-2017 | Hits:5067
After the somewhat tricky descent from the heights of the Pindos due to the many...
31-03-2019 | Hits:9171
It was just a coincidence and ultimately due to the increasing feeling of hunger...
28-05-2024 | Hits:1469
A family celebration took us to Gedingen again, so it was clear that we were fin...
19-09-2015 | Hits:12416
For traffic reasons Robi had chosen the route through the Valley of Poljica to O...
19-11-2017 | Hits:5727
From the 6th to the 4th century BC Thracian and Scythian tribes immigrated to th...